Thread: pg_restore test procedures (a bit OT)

pg_restore test procedures (a bit OT)

Glyn Astill
Hi chaps,

I was just wondering if anyone has any clever way of testing their backups taken with pg_dump on a daily basis?

On a slightly separate note,

I've setup a daily restore onto a staging server that I intend to also use to test the dumps, at the moment I've just
setup a cron job. I'm sure capturing the output would be sufficient, however I'm having problems getting it into by

su - $PGUSER -c "pg_restore -h localhost -U postgres --disable-triggers -c -d $database
$backup_dir/$server-$database-data.gz">> $logfile 


su - $PGUSER -c "pg_restore -h localhost -U postgres --disable-triggers
-c -d $database $backup_dir/$server-$database-data.gz >> $logfile"

won't let me capture it.

How dumb am I?

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Re: pg_restore test procedures (a bit OT)

"Phillip Smith"
> I was just wondering if anyone has any clever way of testing their backups
taken with pg_dump on a daily basis?
I have a daily bash script to backup of one of my databases to file, then
file to tape, which I test restore once per week. I've changed some of my
variables to hard-coded strings to make it shorter and easier to understand
at a quick read. Yes I know it's kinda fschked but it's working atm. I'll
tidy it up eventually....

if [ "$DAY" = "Mon" ] ; then
    echo "Test restoring database..." >> $LOG_FILE

    if [ 1 -eq 1 ] ; then
        # Debugging
        $ECHO "Restoring from:           ${BACKUP_PATH}"
        $ECHO "Restoring to Directory:   ${TMPDNAME}"
        $ECHO "Restore Database:         ${DBNAME}${DATESTRING}"
        $ECHO "Restore Source File:      ${TMPFILE}"

    echo -n "Extracting database dump from tape... "
    tar xf /dev/st0 --directory /tmp
    if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
        echo "FAIL"
        echo "   Failed to Restore from /dev/st0 to /tmp/" >>

    if [ ${SHOW_ERR} != true ] ; then
        ### Note: $DATESTRING = yymmdd (eg. 080519)
        echo "Creating new database ${DBNAME}${DATESTRING}" >>
        /usr/local/bin/psql --command "CREATE DATABASE
        if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
            echo "Restoring /tmp/psqldump.sql.502 to
            /usr/local/bin/psql ${DBNAME}${DATESTRING} <
            echo "Failed to Create Database!" >> $LOG_FILE

> su - $PGUSER -c "pg_restore -h localhost -U postgres --disable-triggers -c
-d $database $backup_dir/$server-$database-data.gz" >> $logfile
> or
> su - $PGUSER -c "pg_restore -h localhost -U postgres --disable-triggers -c
-d $database $backup_dir/$server-$database-data.gz >> $logfile"

Perhaps something like this: (it's Monday morning, so I might be suggesting
something stupid)
LOG=`su - $PGUSER -c "pg_restore -h localhost -U postgres --disable-triggers
-c -d $database $backup_dir/$server-$database-data.gz"`
echo $LOG >> $logfile

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Re: pg_restore test procedures (a bit OT)

Glyn Astill
Thanks Phillip,

I think the source of my problem was me being dumb and only capturing stdout, rather than stderr and stdout! I needed
the"2>&1" on the end. 

----- Original Message ----
> From: Phillip Smith <>
> To: Glyn Astill <>;
> Sent: Monday, 19 May, 2008 1:05:03 AM
> Subject: Re: [ADMIN] pg_restore test procedures (a bit OT)
> > I was just wondering if anyone has any clever way of testing their backups
> taken with pg_dump on a daily basis?
> I have a daily bash script to backup of one of my databases to file, then
> file to tape, which I test restore once per week. I've changed some of my
> variables to hard-coded strings to make it shorter and easier to understand
> at a quick read. Yes I know it's kinda fschked but it's working atm. I'll
> tidy it up eventually....
> if [ "$DAY" = "Mon" ] ; then
>     echo "Test restoring database..." >> $LOG_FILE
>     if [ 1 -eq 1 ] ; then
>         # Debugging
>         $ECHO "Restoring from:           ${BACKUP_PATH}"
>         $ECHO "Restoring to Directory:   ${TMPDNAME}"
>         $ECHO "Restore Database:         ${DBNAME}${DATESTRING}"
>         $ECHO "Restore Source File:      ${TMPFILE}"
>     fi
>     echo -n "Extracting database dump from tape... "
>     tar xf /dev/st0 --directory /tmp
>     if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
>         echo "FAIL"
>         echo "   Failed to Restore from /dev/st0 to /tmp/" >>
>         SHOW_ERR=true
>     fi
>     if [ ${SHOW_ERR} != true ] ; then
>         ### Note: $DATESTRING = yymmdd (eg. 080519)
>         echo "Creating new database ${DBNAME}${DATESTRING}" >>
>         /usr/local/bin/psql --command "CREATE DATABASE
>         if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
>             echo "Restoring /tmp/psqldump.sql.502 to
>             /usr/local/bin/psql ${DBNAME}${DATESTRING} <
> /tmp/psqldump.sql.502
>         else
>             echo "Failed to Create Database!" >> $LOG_FILE
>             SHOW_ERR=true
>         fi
>     fi
> Fi
> > su - $PGUSER -c "pg_restore -h localhost -U postgres --disable-triggers -c
> -d $database $backup_dir/$server-$database-data.gz" >> $logfile
> > or
> > su - $PGUSER -c "pg_restore -h localhost -U postgres --disable-triggers -c
> -d $database $backup_dir/$server-$database-data.gz >> $logfile"
> Perhaps something like this: (it's Monday morning, so I might be suggesting
> something stupid)
> LOG=`su - $PGUSER -c "pg_restore -h localhost -U postgres --disable-triggers
> -c -d $database $backup_dir/$server-$database-data.gz"`
> echo $LOG >> $logfile
> THINK BEFORE YOU PRINT - Save paper if you don't really need to print this
> *******************Confidentiality and Privilege Notice*******************
> The material contained in this message is privileged and confidential to
> the addressee.  If you are not the addressee indicated in this message or
> responsible for delivery of the message to such person, you may not copy
> or deliver this message to anyone, and you should destroy it and kindly
> notify the sender by reply email.
> Information in this message that does not relate to the official business
> of Weatherbeeta must be treated as neither given nor endorsed by Weatherbeeta.
> Weatherbeeta, its employees, contractors or associates shall not be liable
> for direct, indirect or consequential loss arising from transmission of this
> message or any attachments
> e-mail.
> --
> Sent via pgsql-admin mailing list (
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