Thread: can't connect with md5 encrypted pw

can't connect with md5 encrypted pw

Thomas Schuster
hi all

i tried to explain my problem in the following lines. for me it is
necessary to connect my db with the unix user and md5 encryption on my
local machine. i couldn't found a solution. thx for any idea!

my system:
PostgreSQL 8.2.6 on i486-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC cc (GCC) 4.1.3
20070929 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.1.2-16ubuntu2)

my problem:
createdb test
psql -U john -d test -W
psql: FATAL:  password authentication failed for user "john"

my pg_hba.conf:
local   all        all                  md5

my roles:
rolname  | rolsuper | rolcanlogin |             rolpassword
postgres | t        | t           | md5xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
john     | f        | t           | md5xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

my description:
-john is my unix user
-postgresql server is reloaded
-connecting with my postgres user and md5 works fine
-connecting with "john" and METHOD ident sameuser works although fine
-why can't i connect with my unix user using md5 in pg_hba.conf ?

Best regards,

Thomas Schuster

Re: can't connect with md5 encrypted pw

Tom Lane
Thomas Schuster <> writes:
> my problem:
> createdb test
> psql -U john -d test -W
> password:******
> psql: FATAL:  password authentication failed for user "john"

Given the facts you show, the most obvious explanation is that you
entered the wrong password.  You might want to do an ALTER USER PASSWORD
command (as the superuser) just to make sure you didn't fat-finger the
password setting initially.

If that isn't it, try looking into the postmaster log to see if it logs
any additional details about the failure.

            regards, tom lane