Thread: pg_dump on windows

pg_dump on windows

I pulled up another instance of pgadmin to take a look since the initial instance gave me the windows "not responding"
messageon the title bar. 

In the server status log file I see the following lines right about where my disk and cpu
activity stops and my backup seems to hang.  There are no other reports in the log after these three.

LOG  unexpected EOF on client connection
LOG  unexpected EOF on client connection
LOG  unexpected EOF on client connection

Status tab shows:

user  querey start  querey
postgres 11:35am  copy public.<the name of my large table here>

In locks tab
I see about 30 locks listed all for the same large table
They are all for the same start time of 11:35am
Mode: accessShareLock
Granted: yes.  they all say yes for granted.

Transactions tab: empty

I would appreciate your help.

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Re: pg_dump on windows

Andrew Sullivan
On Fri, Feb 08, 2008 at 06:30:33PM +0000, wrote:
> LOG  unexpected EOF on client connection
> LOG  unexpected EOF on client connection
> LOG  unexpected EOF on client connection

This means the back end thinks the client disappeared.

What is the probability you have a firewall in between your client and the
server?  Some of them "helpfully" drop the connection after some period of
"inactivity".  Since you're just sitting there waiting for the command to
complete, you look like you have no activity.

> In locks tab
> I see about 30 locks listed all for the same large table
> They are all for the same start time of 11:35am
> Mode: accessShareLock
> Granted: yes.  they all say yes for granted.

If they're all granted, you're not waiting for one.