Thread: find the sequence name from schema, table, field

find the sequence name from schema, table, field

I have to go to the well and ask you guys how in the he_l I can determine the
sequence name if I only have the schema name (normally 'public'), the table
name, and the field name (normally the PK).  Below is the current SQL I'm
using but it does not account for field data types that are not 'serial'.
IOW if the sequence name I'm looking for is not associated with a field which
has 'serial' for a data type it does not find the sequence name.

From a python script
 """SELECT seq.relname::text
        FROM pg_class src, pg_class seq, pg_namespace, pg_attribute,
        pg_depend.refobjsubid = pg_attribute.attnum AND
        pg_depend.refobjid = src.oid AND
        seq.oid = pg_depend.objid AND
        src.relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid AND
        pg_attribute.attrelid = src.oid AND
        pg_namespace.nspname = '%s' AND
        src.relname = '%s' AND
        pg_attribute.attname = '%s'""" %

Thanks in advance for any help you may provide!
John Fabiani

Re: find the sequence name from schema, table, field

Alvaro Herrera
johnf wrote:

> I have to go to the well and ask you guys how in the he_l I can determine the
> sequence name if I only have the schema name (normally 'public'), the table
> name, and the field name (normally the PK).


Alvaro Herrera                      
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support

Re: find the sequence name from schema, table, field

On Thursday 10 January 2008 06:12:43 am Alvaro Herrera wrote:
> pg_get_serial_sequence

But it only works with a serial data type.

Create a sequence "mySequence"
Create a field "myField smallint NOT NULL  DEFAULT

So given the name of the table and the name of the field. How can I find the
name of the associated squence?

John Fabiani