Thread: Setting usesuper bit for user postgres.

Setting usesuper bit for user postgres.

John Horvath

I have trawled the Web for answers but have found none to my problem.

The 'usesuper' bit for user "postgres" was set to 'f' by default in the
pg_shadow table in my
PostgreSQL 7.4.2 installation when I installed it on my OS X host.

My database is working fine (has been for a couple of years) but I want
to add some more users.

Any pointers on how to fix the usesuper bit issue for user postgres when
this is the only DB "superuser"?
Trying to modify this user's attributes from the commandline or via
phpPgAdmin does not seem to work for me.

Many thanks.

Re: Setting usesuper bit for user postgres.

Tom Lane
John Horvath <> writes:
> The 'usesuper' bit for user "postgres" was set to 'f' by default in the
> pg_shadow table in my
> PostgreSQL 7.4.2 installation when I installed it on my OS X host.

I seriously, seriously doubt that there was no superuser by default.

> Any pointers on how to fix the usesuper bit issue for user postgres when
> this is the only DB "superuser"?

Standalone mode will make you a superuser.  See the postgres reference

            regards, tom lane