Thread: High IOWAIT times, low iops? Can't figure out what the bottleneck is...

High IOWAIT times, low iops? Can't figure out what the bottleneck is...

"Evan Reiser"
I was wondering if you guys have some suggested settings for our server, i think we are not hardware limited but the configureation is set up incorrectly.  For some reason our database seems to have trouble handling 5-10+ inserts per second which seems to be a pretty trivial load for this hardware, we're seeing very high %iowait, this is a pretty typical output for #iostat -m 5

avg-cpu:  %user   %nice %system %iowait  %steal   %idle
                0.97      0.00    0.82         89.69     0.00      8.52

Device:            tps    MB_read/s    MB_wrtn/s    MB_read    MB_wrtn
sda              85.40         0.18         0.72                 0                3
sdb               0.00         0.00         0.00                  0                0
sdc              30.43         0.00         0.76                 0                3
sdd              93.91         0.71         0.12                 3                0

sda = 2x320GB 7200rpm in RAID1 (operating system)
sdc = 2x150GB 10krpm in RAID1    (transaction log is on this array)
sdd = 6x150GB 10krpm in RAID 10 (database is on the array)

we're using ReiserFS on each of the arrays as the file system
OS is debian Etch x64

raid controller = 3ware 9650 12port - 256MB cache

8GB RAM, core 2 duo - quad core 2.4ghz 8MB L2 Cache

it would seem like the io subsystem is the limiting factor, but i feel like we should be barely hitting a wall, you can see from the example its writing < 2MB/s to the array.  If i try to copy a big file (1-2GB) over to the array, the array hits 300MB/s sustained, it can burst write files < 256mb AT 800MB/S

Here's some of our settings

shared_buffers = 1024MB               
temp_buffers = 32MB                  
max_prepared_transactions = 50       
work_mem = 64MB                      
maintenance_work_mem = 256MB         
max_stack_depth = 7MB                  
max_fsm_pages = 512000         

vacuum_cost_delay = 20ms                      

fsync = on       
wal_buffers = 1MB 
checkpoint_segments = 32

effective_cache_size = 4128MB

If you guys have any suggestions it would be greatly appreciated

-Evan Reiser

Re: High IOWAIT times, low iops? Can't figure out what the bottleneck is...

"Evan Reiser"
Here is the table structure for the table with all the inserts

id(PK)        integer
dateinserted  datetime without timezone
datetime without timezone
lockedby      integer
done          boolean
invalid       boolean

>select * from table limit 1;

id      | done | failed |     dateinserted    | dateexamined   | lockedby | invalid
3130902 | f    | f      | 1900-01-01 00:00:00 |                |        0 | f

There is a clustered index on dateinserted,
+ a non clustered index on id
+ a non clustered index on done,failed,invalid
+ a non clustered index on lockedby

There are no triggers

On 7/3/07, Evan Reiser <> wrote:
I was wondering if you guys have some suggested settings for our server, i think we are not hardware limited but the configureation is set up incorrectly.  For some reason our database seems to have trouble handling 5-10+ inserts per second which seems to be a pretty trivial load for this hardware, we're seeing very high %iowait, this is a pretty typical output for #iostat -m 5

avg-cpu:  %user   %nice %system %iowait  %steal   %idle
                0.97      0.00    0.82         89.69     0.00      8.52

Device:            tps    MB_read/s    MB_wrtn/s    MB_read    MB_wrtn
sda              85.40         0.18         0.72                 0                3
sdb               0.00         0.00         0.00                  0                0
sdc              30.43         0.00         0.76                 0                3
sdd              93.91         0.71         0.12                 3                0

sda = 2x320GB 7200rpm in RAID1 (operating system)
sdc = 2x150GB 10krpm in RAID1    (transaction log is on this array)
sdd = 6x150GB 10krpm in RAID 10 (database is on the array)

we're using ReiserFS on each of the arrays as the file system
OS is debian Etch x64

raid controller = 3ware 9650 12port - 256MB cache

8GB RAM, core 2 duo - quad core 2.4ghz 8MB L2 Cache

it would seem like the io subsystem is the limiting factor, but i feel like we should be barely hitting a wall, you can see from the example its writing < 2MB/s to the array.  If i try to copy a big file (1-2GB) over to the array, the array hits 300MB/s sustained, it can burst write files < 256mb AT 800MB/S

Here's some of our settings

shared_buffers = 1024MB               
temp_buffers = 32MB                  
max_prepared_transactions = 50       
work_mem = 64MB                      
maintenance_work_mem = 256MB         
max_stack_depth = 7MB                  
max_fsm_pages = 512000         

vacuum_cost_delay = 20ms                      

fsync = on       
wal_buffers = 1MB 
checkpoint_segments = 32

effective_cache_size = 4128MB

If you guys have any suggestions it would be greatly appreciated

-Evan Reiser