Thread: Hiding databases from roles

Hiding databases from roles

"Diego de Lima"
<div style="background-color:"><div class="RTE">Hello,</div><div class="RTE"> </div><div class="RTE">I have a situation
whereone postgres instalation have many databases and roles. Each role can see only it's own database. The role CAN
NOT seeeven table structures of other databases.</div><div class="RTE"> </div><div class="RTE">I create the databases
settingit's ownership to the specific role/user, but when I login with an other, this user still can see the database
structureof others databases.</div><div class="RTE"> </div><div class="RTE">Is there any special configuration I have
todo to prevent this problem?</div><div class="RTE"> </div><div class="RTE">Thansk,</div><div class="RTE"> </div><div
class="RTE">Diegode Lima</div></div><br clear="all" /><hr />MSN Messenger: converse com os seus amigos online. <a
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