Hi for all,
I just installed Tsearch and was trying to configure automatic update on
such table using trigger and procedure.
But I get error on inserting data on the table.
Could you help me to find out what I am wronging?
#### Procedure created:
create or replace function fn_atualiza_tsearch_cid_endereco()
returns trigger as '
update tb_cep_cidade_endereco
set cue_idx_endereco = to_tsvector(''default_portuguese'',
coalesce(to_ascii(NEW.cue_logradouro, ''LATIN1''), ''''))
where cue_cod_endereco = new.cue_cod_endereco
and cue_cep = new.cue_cep;
' LANGUAGE plpgsql;
$ created sucessfully;
#### Trigger created:
create trigger trg_atualiza_tsearch_cid_endereco
after insert or update on tb_cep_cidade_endereco
for each row execute procedure fn_atualiza_tsearch_cid_endereco();
$ created sucessfully;
### Insert data
INSERT INTO tb_cep_cidade_endereco . . .
and returns:
>[Error] Script lines: 1-3 --------------------------
Um erro de E/S ocorreu ao enviar para o processo do servidor.
An error I/O occurred sending to the server process
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