Thread: command line options to pass to the postmaster - controlling UNIX socket permiss

command line options to pass to the postmaster - controlling UNIX socket permiss

"Dan The Man"

I'm running postgres on a Linux server SuSE SLES.   When I run postgresql
8.0.3, I get /tmp/.s.PGSQLl.5432 socket open with group and owner
permissions.  The group permissions are the default group of the postgres
account and the owner is postgres.  If I want to start postgres with a
non-default group called db-admins or something is that an option?

2.6.5-7.191-smp #1 SMP Tue Jun 28 14:58:56 UTC 2005 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64

   1 postgres wheel  37 2005-11-29 10:30 .s.PGSQL.5432.lock
srwxrwx---   1 postgres wheel   0 2005-11-29 09:50 .s.PGSQL.5442
-rw-------   1 postgres wheel  37 2005-11-29 09:50 .s.PGSQL.5442.lock


"Dan The Man" <> writes:
> I'm running postgres on a Linux server SuSE SLES.   When I run postgresql
> 8.0.3, I get /tmp/.s.PGSQLl.5432 socket open with group and owner
> permissions.  The group permissions are the default group of the postgres
> account and the owner is postgres.  If I want to start postgres with a
> non-default group called db-admins or something is that an option?

particularly unix_socket_group and unix_socket_permissions.

            regards, tom lane