Thread: Migrating tables to schemas

Migrating tables to schemas

Chris Jewell

With an ever increasing number of tables being added to our research
database, we have come to the conclusion that we need to confine
individual users to private schemas instead of everybody creating their
tables in the default public schema.  In order to move the tables, I
have used a CREATE TABLE <privateschema>.<tablename> AS SELECT * FROM
public.<tablename>; command on each private table.  This worked fine.
However, when it came to DROPping the old tables from the public schema,
I had trouble with user's views that were dependent on these tables.  I
don't want to use the CASCADE attribute as I don't want to erase all my
users' views.

Thus, my question is: can I migrate the views such that they point to
the new tables in the users' schemata, and/or how do I drop the public
schema tables without dropping the users' views?



Chris Jewell, BSc(Hons), BVSc, MRCVS
Dept of Maths and Statistics
Fylde College
Lancaster University

Re: Migrating tables to schemas

"Jim C. Nasby"
On 8.0 and below, you can't use a simple ALTER TABLE to do this, but you
can modify pg_class. However, this may or may not be safe. In 8.1 you
can do ALTER TABLE name SET SCHEMA blah.

decibel=# create table public.t(t text);
decibel=# alter table public.t rename to decibel.t;
ERROR:  syntax error at or near "." at character 39
LINE 1: alter table public.t rename to decibel.t;
decibel=# select oid,* from pg_namespace where nspname in ('public','decibel');
  oid  | nspname | nspowner |               nspacl
  2200 | public  |        1 | {postgres=UC/postgres,=UC/postgres}
 18640 | decibel |      100 |
(2 rows)

decibel=# update pg_class set relnamespace=18640 where relnamespace=2200 and relname='t';
decibel=# \d decibel.t
     Table "decibel.t"
 Column | Type | Modifiers
 t      | text |

decibel=# \d public.t
Did not find any relation named "public.t".

On Wed, Oct 19, 2005 at 11:11:12PM +0100, Chris Jewell wrote:
> Hi,
> With an ever increasing number of tables being added to our research
> database, we have come to the conclusion that we need to confine
> individual users to private schemas instead of everybody creating their
> tables in the default public schema.  In order to move the tables, I
> have used a CREATE TABLE <privateschema>.<tablename> AS SELECT * FROM
> public.<tablename>; command on each private table.  This worked fine.
> However, when it came to DROPping the old tables from the public schema,
> I had trouble with user's views that were dependent on these tables.  I
> don't want to use the CASCADE attribute as I don't want to erase all my
> users' views.
> Thus, my question is: can I migrate the views such that they point to
> the new tables in the users' schemata, and/or how do I drop the public
> schema tables without dropping the users' views?
> Thanks,
> Chris
> --
> --
> Chris Jewell, BSc(Hons), BVSc, MRCVS
> Dept of Maths and Statistics
> Fylde College
> Lancaster University
> Lancaster
> Lancs
> LA1 4YF
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Jim C. Nasby, Sr. Engineering Consultant
Pervasive Software    work: 512-231-6117
vcard:       cell: 512-569-9461