Thread: Unable to run psql

Unable to run psql

"Thomas E Dukes"

I am trying to setup a database for an app that requires postresql.  My
system is running CentOS 4.1 using postgres 7.4.8.  I have never used
postgresql before.  I have worked on this most of today and about to delete
it from my harddrive.

I added a password for 'postgres' using passwd.  I can login or su as
'postgres' but when I run psql and enter the password it fails because the
password is invalid.

I'm as lost as I was at 8:00 this morning.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

Re: Unable to run psql

Jeff Frost
On Sat, 27 Aug 2005, Thomas E Dukes wrote:

> I added a password for 'postgres' using passwd.  I can login or su as
> 'postgres' but when I run psql and enter the password it fails because the
> password is invalid.

Tom, the confusion lies in the difference between the database user postgres
and the local system user postgres.  Psql, by default, tries to connect with
the same database username as the local system username, so if I was running
psql in my local system account jeff, it would use 'jeff' as the database
username unless I set the PGUSER environment variable or use the -U switch
psql.  Are you running this as the postgres system user, or trying to run psql
as root?  If so, it's probably trying to connect as the 'root' database user
which will not exist unless you have created it.  If you installed the
postgresql server from RPMs or any of the standard methods I'm aware of, the
postgres database user will have no password by default.

There is also possibly some problem with the way you are connecting.  I.e. are
you attempting to connect via the local system or from a remote client?  If
it's a remote client, you probably need to make some changes to the
pg_hba.conf and the postgresql.conf as the default security settings are quite
restrictive.  You can find the documentation on this here:

Jeff Frost, Owner     <>
Frost Consulting, LLC
Phone: 650-780-7908    FAX: 650-649-1954