Thread: Adding field to a table currently being used
I need to know if I add a field to an existing table within a database that is currently being accessed by many users, if it will effect it or crash it? I have researced the archives and could not find an answer, if there is documentation on this, will you point me in the right direction?
Thank you,
On Tue, 2005-03-22 at 11:41, Jada Case wrote: > Hello, > > I need to know if I add a field to an existing table within a database > that is currently being accessed by many users, if it will effect it > or crash it? I have researced the archives and could not find an > answer, if there is documentation on this, will you point me in the > right direction? > It definitely won't crash the server, PostgreSQL is quite robust. Certain alter table actions may need to take out a short lived lock, but shouldn't normally cause another client to fail, unless that client is relying on a column that is being altered in some way that conflicts with that client.