Thread: Libpq: Passing a Pgconn* object between console applications ?

Libpq: Passing a Pgconn* object between console applications ?

 I have a function defined in my own library (.lib) that updates a table of
logged information about
the start and end times, return codes, etc. of etl, backup, and other such

The function uses an existing connection to the DB and writes a new record
to that log table.

void UpdateLog(char* sTName,char* sTimeStamp,int iProcID,char* sMessage,int
iLogType,int iErrorCode,PGconn* pConn);

The scenario is this:

sched.exe  -- starts
         -- connects to db (Pgconn* pCon1)
           -- queries scheduling table for times to call other processes.
           -- if it is time...
            -calls other process i.e.  process1.exe
             -starts, makes connection to db Pgconn* pCon2
              -calls function to update log that process1.exe
(with Pgconn* pCon2 as arg) has started at time t1
             -does its work
             -calls function to update log that process1.exe
(with Pgconn* pCon2 as arg) has ended at time t2.
        -- endif
        -- sched.exe ends

I'm wondering whether I can pass an existing, opened db connection (Pgconn*)
as an argument to UpdateLog().

Has anyone done this ?

