Thread: Problem with JDBC

Problem with JDBC

gayatri ganpaa
I am working on a project, in which a part of it deals with creating a table on different nodes of a Beowulf cluster.
Each of the nodes in the cluster is running a postmaster on different cluster. There is one master node in this cluster.
I am trying to run the postmaster on the port 9010 on these different nodes, I changed the postgresql.conf file on all nodes so that it accepts tcp-ip connection and changed the port number, also added an ip entry in pg_hba.conf file.

On the main node thats the master node, there is no problem it connects tot he database I want to.
But on the other nodes, to login onto other nodes of a cluster I would do a 'rlogin nodename'.
On these nodes too I changed both the files I had to change but it gives me a connection refused error. I do not understand what is this about, I checked many mailing lists where they say changing these files would make it work, but it doesn't.
Heres my code snippet which actually connects to the database:
String url = "jdbc:postgresql://";
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, "kashif", "password");
I do not underdtand Y isn't this working. Could you help me with this???

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Poolin' it

Kris Kiger
Howdy all.  I'm doing some research on 'middleware' type connection
pooling, such as pgpool.  I'm having some trouble finding other options
that are actively being maintained, whether it be by the open source
community or not.  Can anyone point me to some other resources or ideas
for connection pooling?  Thanks a lot!


Poolin' it

Kris Kiger
Howdy all.  I'm doing some research on 'middleware' type connection
pooling, such as pgpool.  I'm having some trouble finding other options
that are actively being maintained, whether it be by the open source
community or not.  Can anyone point me to some other resources or ideas
for connection pooling?  Thanks a lot!


Re: Poolin' it

Chris Browne
Date: (Kris Kiger) writes:
> Howdy all.  I'm doing some research on 'middleware' type connection
> pooling, such as pgpool.  I'm having some trouble finding other
> options that are actively being maintained, whether it be by the
> open source community or not.  Can anyone point me to some other
> resources or ideas for connection pooling?  Thanks a lot!

You're probably noticing the effect that if there is a project that is
suitable for enough cases, this can discourage there from being other
similar projects.

Those that have been interested in connection pools have been looking
at pgpool, and finding it significantly better than any of the other
options that there were out on the "information stuporhighway."

It would take quite a lot of work to create an alternative to pgpool,
and it is quite likely that it would be less work to "fix" misfeatures
of pgpool.  Ergo...  This leads to not terribly much call for other
(format nil "~S@~S" "cbbrowne" "")
Rules of the Evil Overlord #78.  "I will not tell my Legions of Terror
"And he must  be taken alive!" The command will be:  ``And try to take
him alive if it is reasonably practical.''"