Thread: Problem with JDBC Connection

Problem with JDBC Connection

gayatri ganpaa
I am working on a project, in which a part of it deals with creating a table on different nodes of a Beowulf cluster.
Each of the nodes in the cluster is running a postmaster on different cluster. There is one master node in this cluster.
I am trying to run the postmaster on the port 9010 on these different nodes, I changed the postgresql.conf file on all nodes so that it accepts tcp-ip connection and changed the port number, also added an ip entry in pg_hba.conf file.
On the main node thats the master node, there is no problem it connects tot he database I want to.
But on the other nodes, to login onto other nodes of a cluster I would do a 'rlogin nodename'.
On these nodes too I changed both the files I had to change but it gives me a connection refused error. I do not understand what is this about, I checked many mailing lists where they say changing these files would make it work, but it doesn't.
Heres my code snippet which actually connects to the database:
String url = "jdbc:postgresql://";
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, "kashif", "password");
I do not underdtand Y isn't this working. Could you help me with this???

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