On Wed, Dec 08, 2004 at 08:08:07AM -0500, Chuming Chen wrote:
> Is there any way I can find the correspondence between the numbered
> folders under postgresql data/base and the actual database name or table
> name?
You could use contrib/oid2name. If you want to do it yourself,
look at the pg_database.oid and pg_class.relfilenode fields. For
example, given a file $PGDATA/base/164531/183620, the database
database OID is 164531 and the table or index filenode is 183620.
Find out what database the object is in with the following query:
SELECT datname FROM pg_database WHERE oid = 164531;
Connect to that database and issue the following query:
SELECT n.nspname, c.relname
FROM pg_class AS c JOIN pg_namespace AS n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
WHERE relfilenode = 183620;
nspname | relname
public | foo
Michael Fuhr