Thread: Help need to restore dropped db

Help need to restore dropped db

Allen Smith
I am having a little issue. I did a dropdb. I had archived like this:
pg_dump -v -Fc -f vs-bkp.tar.gz vs

the when I tried to restor after recreating the db with:
 pg_restore -v -O -d vs vs-bkp.tar.gz
it returns
pg_restore: connecting to database for restore
after I enter the password I get
pg_restore: creating FUNC PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE plpgsql_call_handler()
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR:  function
"plpgsql_call_handler" already exists with same argument types
pg_restore: *** aborted because of error

any suggestions?????

Allen Smith
/Everyone is a genius. It's just that some people are too stupid to
realize it./

Re: Help need to restore dropped db

That should be easy,

use -T template1 when you create the empty DB.


createdb -T template0 <dbname>

----- Original Message -----
From: "Allen Smith" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2004 4:39 AM
Subject: [ADMIN] Help need to restore dropped db

>I am having a little issue. I did a dropdb. I had archived like this:
> pg_dump -v -Fc -f vs-bkp.tar.gz vs
> the when I tried to restor after recreating the db with:
> pg_restore -v -O -d vs vs-bkp.tar.gz
> it returns
> pg_restore: connecting to database for restore
> Password:
> after I enter the password I get
> pg_restore: creating FUNC PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE plpgsql_call_handler()
> pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR:  function
> "plpgsql_call_handler" already exists with same argument types
> pg_restore: *** aborted because of error
> any suggestions?????
> Allen Smith
> /Everyone is a genius. It's just that some people are too stupid to
> realize it./
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