Thread: Duplicating a large database.

Duplicating a large database.

Dan Hrabarchuk
I need to move a large database to new machine. I'd also like to upgrade
my postgres server from 7.3 to 7.4 (at least).

My plan is to set up a query log on my current postgres server. Then I
will make a copy of the database using pg_dump. When the dump is done I
will to shut down the original server, then run the query log on the new
server. This should bring up to date, and reduce the space used.
(Vacuuming is to way too slow).

I've been trying to find the "query logger" portion of the plan. I've
found mini-projects like taillog
( but these
over complicate what I want. I simply want to reply all the inserts,
updates and deletes that happen on the orignal server while the new
server is dumping/restoring.

What can I use? A text file that I can pipe into psql would be AWESOME!
Any ideas? Any half finished projects that I can complete (or at least
get working enough :)?

Thanks for the help

Dan Hrabarchuk

Re: Duplicating a large database.

Robert Creager
When grilled further on (Tue, 05 Oct 2004 17:26:16 -0700),
Dan Hrabarchuk <> confessed:

> I need to move a large database to new machine. I'd also like to upgrade
> my postgres server from 7.3 to 7.4 (at least).

I think Slony ( will do exactly what you desire...

 22:05:07 up 13 days, 31 min,  2 users,  load average: 3.26, 3.97, 3.95
Linux 2.6.5-02 #8 SMP Mon Jul 12 21:34:44 MDT 2004
