Thread: Postgres Admin - Export Database

Postgres Admin - Export Database

JinNet Picker

I am trying to take Database backup. I use this

# ./pg_dump -U username -cif filename.sql dbname

Its exporting, but in the Log, its giving like

"LOG:  out of file descriptors: Too many open files;
release and retry"

Can anybody tell me what is this? And what i have to
do clear this out??


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Re: Postgres Admin - Export Database

Greg Spiegelberg
JinNet Picker wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to take Database backup. I use this
> command.
> # ./pg_dump -U username -cif filename.sql dbname
> Its exporting, but in the Log, its giving like
> "LOG:  out of file descriptors: Too many open files;
> release and retry"
> Can anybody tell me what is this? And what i have to
> do clear this out??

Try the pg_dump option "-F t".  It will create a single tar file
that pg_restore can use.

./pg_dump -U username -ci -F t -f filename.tar dbname


Greg Spiegelberg
  Product Development Manager
  Cranel, Incorporated.
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Re: Postgres Admin - Export Database

Tom Lane
JinNet Picker <> writes:
> "LOG:  out of file descriptors: Too many open files;
> release and retry"
> Can anybody tell me what is this? And what i have to
> do clear this out??

You need to either increase your kernel's limit on the number of
simultaneously open files, or reduce Postgres' appetite for open files.
To do the latter, reduce max_files_per_process in postgresql.conf
(usually 50 to 100 should be an adequate setting that won't degrade
performance much).  Doing the former depends on what platform you're on,
which you didn't say.

Although Postgres itself will usually survive well when the open-files
table is full, other applications on the system are likely to start
falling over :-(.  So it's a real good idea to fix this one way or the

            regards, tom lane