Thread: Files in pg_xlog

Files in pg_xlog

Daniel Henrique Debonzi
Hi everybody!

Does anybody knows how can I change the size (something about 4Mb) of
the files inside the pg_xlog directory and how can I have no more than
one file inside it.

Would be nice a quick explanation about the efects of it.

Thanks for all

Daniel Henrique Debonzi  Linux user number 166903
Gwyddion Embedded Free-Software Development
São Carlos, São Paulo

Re: Files in pg_xlog

Tom Lane
Daniel Henrique Debonzi <> writes:
> Does anybody knows how can I change the size (something about 4Mb) of
> the files inside the pg_xlog directory

You can't, short of hacking the source code (and I'm not sure it's a
one-line change if you do...)

> and how can I have no more than one file inside it.

Can't do that either.  In a low-traffic database you could reasonably
expect to have no more than two xlog files most of the time.  Set
checkpoint_segments to 1 to minimize the space usage.

            regards, tom lane