Thread: PG_DUMP
I am trying to dump large object data( from a database containing table consist of 4 lo fields)
I get following error.
I am using postgres 7.2.1 which is installed from rpm
Command use is
pg_dump -Ft -b test1 > db.tar
I get following message
pg_dump: WARNING: function "lo_oid" not dumped
pg_dump: reason: data type name of argument 0 (oid 16584) not found
pg_dump: reason: data type name of argument 0 (oid 16584) not found
When i try restore using pg_restore
Blob data is restored.
Same i tried to postgres7.2.1 which is compiled and install it works fine.
What could be the problem?
Is there anyway by which i can fixed this problem by using postgres which is installed using rpm
Hi, PostgreSQL 7.3.4 on i386-portbld-freebsd4.9, compiled by GCC 2.95.4 pg_hba.conf has following entry: # local all pgsql md5 # hostname# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ start Password: ^C So. If i try to start postgre (or machine boots up), it asks password. /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ contains following: case $1 in start) touch ${logfile} chmod 600 ${logfile} chown pgsql:pgsql ${logfile} [ -x ${PGBIN}/pg_ctl ] && { su -l pgsql -c \ "[ -d \${PGDATA} ] && exec ${PREFIX}/bin/pg_ctl start -s -w -l ${logfile}" echo -n ' pgsql' } ;; Solution is to remove '-w' option. "[ -d \${PGDATA} ] && exec ${PREFIX}/bin/pg_ctl start -s -l ${logfile}" Hope it helps, if somebody get's stuck. --- Eimar Koort ( )