Since version 7.3 of PostgreSQL it's possible to create schema's. The
User's Guide (paragraph 2.8.4) says that it is not possible to view
objects from a schema you do not own:
"By default, users cannot see the objects in schemas they do not own."
I'm using PostgreSQL 7.3.4 under Linux. As the administrator I created
two schema's for two users:
create schema vosf authorization vosf;
create schema snefru authorization snefru;
If I logon to the database with psql as user vosf and create a table, it
is created under schema vosf. That's good. If I logon to the same
database with psql as user snefru and issue:
\d vosf.*
I can see all tables within the vosf schema. Paragraph 2.8.4 says I
should not. I cannot do selects from these tables, but I think seeing
what tables a user has created and which columns these have is wrong. I
want to use a single database on a single server, but this visibility
issue keeps me using multiple databases. Is it considered a problem? If
so, is it a known problem? Not subscribed anymore to any PostgreSQL
list, I searched the archives, but did not find a similar question.
Thanks for any help. PostgreSQL is a great database.