Thread: Missing a good db migration/db move tool

Missing a good db migration/db move tool

"Soeren Laursen"

I have using postgresql for a while and is on the stage to move a few
databases to a new server (7.1.x to 7.3.x - linux/debian).

During test and the planing I have found no tool that can help me to
move the databases. pgAdminII fails, pg_dump have problems with
functions and unicode, EMS Postgresql Extract fails as well.

So is I the only one that could use a tool like that?

If not I would like to modify pg_dump/pg_restore to a new tool
(pg_move?) one could use in for migrating development databases and
productions databases as well.

Comment/suggestens are more that welcome, ("Why don't you use" are more than welcome ;-) ).

