Thread: DELETE error - Memory exhausted in AllocSetAlloc

DELETE error - Memory exhausted in AllocSetAlloc

j sk
Hi all,
While trying to delete ~8000 rows from a table which
has about 10 foreign keys and are triggered to cascade
on delete, I get this error:

ERROR: Memory exhausted AllocSetAlloc(1124)

Im running PG7.3.4 with 256MB memory.

I looked up this info but 'ulimit' and 'limit' arent

Please let me know if theres any solution. If no real
solution, Im planning to delete rows in chunks of 100
or 500 at a time thru a stored function.


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Re: DELETE error - Memory exhausted in AllocSetAlloc

Tom Lane
j sk <> writes:
> While trying to delete ~8000 rows from a table which
> has about 10 foreign keys and are triggered to cascade
> on delete, I get this error:
> ERROR: Memory exhausted AllocSetAlloc(1124)

Could we see a complete reproducible example?  I'm not aware of any
memory leaks in the foreign-key support, but perhaps you've found one...

            regards, tom lane