Thread: I don't want more mails

I don't want more mails

Dear PostgreSql staff

I've been recieving a lot of emails about PostgreSql administration, and I
don't want reciving it anymore, remove my account from your databases
records, please.

Thanks a lot.
M.C. Luis Antonio Gama Moreno
Estudiante de Doctorado
Centro de Investigación en Computación
Instituto Politécnico Nacional
5729-6000 ext. 56574

Re: I don't want more mails

Try this link:

You may have to obtain your password before you can sign in
and change your subscription.

HTH, sincerely,

Jürgen Cappel

lgama <> schrieb am 08.10.2003, 12:35:47:
> Dear PostgreSql staff
> I've been recieving a lot of emails about PostgreSql administration, and I
> don't want reciving it anymore, remove my account from your databases
> records, please.
> Thanks a lot.
> M.C. Luis Antonio Gama Moreno
> Estudiante de Doctorado
> Centro de Investigación en Computación
> Instituto Politécnico Nacional
> 5729-6000 ext. 56574
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
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