Thread: Automated backup problems - pg_dump

Automated backup problems - pg_dump

Jesse Burkhardt
I am sure many of you have encountered the problems I am experiencing
with automating the pg_dump command from a cron. The problem arises from
a failure of this command to use the environmental variable,
PG_PASSWORD. (PGUSER, on the other hand, is picked up during command
execution.) The cron seems to fail completely when crontabbed as the
PGSQL superuser, postgres. I do, however, get partial execution when I
su to the user postgres from a cron crontabbed as root. Let me layout
some relevant info:

root orginated cron:

30 * * * * su - postgres --command="cd /var/lib/pgsql/skybuilders;
/var/lib/pgsql/skybuilders/; echo `date` > timeRun.txt"

skybuilders is a directory where I copy and dump PostgreSQL files and
DBs to be picked up by an rsync cron on an archiving machine. is a perl script that generates a bash shell. I will excerpt
the pertinant (failing) section of the generated script

export PGUSER
pg_dump -o somedb > /var/lib/pgsql/skybuilders/dbbackup/somedb.dump

When I run the script from the command line, after having su'ed into the
postgres account, this script stops at the pg_dump line waiting for a

Finally I will excerpt some of the final lines of my pg_hba.conf file:


#local      all                                          trust
#host       all    trust

# Using sockets credentials for improved security. Not available everywhere,
# but works on Linux, *BSD (and probably some others)

#local  all     ident   sameuser

### --> Added by JSB <--

local       skyTemplate                                  md5
local       sameuser                                     md5
local       all                                          md5  admins
# use following line to perform commands as postgres without password
# local       all                                          trust

host        all    md5

I understand were I to change the AUTH_TYPE setting from "md5" to
"trust" the password challenge emanating from the pg_dump command will
go away. However, I wish to maintain the use of md5 authentication.

Ideas anybody?


 Jesse Burkhardt  (w) 617-876-5680    (h) 617-354-5523

Re: Automated backup problems - pg_dump

Stephan Szabo
On Sun, 24 Aug 2003, Jesse Burkhardt wrote:

> I am sure many of you have encountered the problems I am experiencing
> with automating the pg_dump command from a cron. The problem arises from
> a failure of this command to use the environmental variable,
> PG_PASSWORD. (PGUSER, on the other hand, is picked up during command

I think the environment variable is PGPASSWORD (no underscore) in at least
7.3 and above.  Also, it's somewhat depricated in favor of using the
.pgpass file.

Re: Automated backup problems - pg_dump

"Chad R. Larson"
At 03:46 PM 8/24/2003 , Jesse Burkhardt wrote:
One (non-trivial) solution is to use a cron (like fcron) that allows you to
set the environment of the executed process.

I like fcron very much, but you'd have to be the system administer (or his
cooperation) to install it.

>I am sure many of you have encountered the problems I am experiencing with
>automating the pg_dump command from a cron. The problem arises from a
>failure of this command to use the environmental variable, PG_PASSWORD.
>(PGUSER, on the other hand, is picked up during command execution.) The
>cron seems to fail completely when crontabbed as the PGSQL superuser,
>postgres. I do, however, get partial execution when I su to the user
>postgres from a cron crontabbed as root. Let me layout some relevant info:
>root orginated cron:
>30 * * * * su - postgres --command="cd /var/lib/pgsql/skybuilders;
>/var/lib/pgsql/skybuilders/; echo `date` > timeRun.txt"
>skybuilders is a directory where I copy and dump PostgreSQL files and DBs
>to be picked up by an rsync cron on an archiving machine.
> is a perl script that generates a bash shell. I will excerpt
>the pertinant (failing) section of the generated script (
>export PGUSER
>pg_dump -o somedb > /var/lib/pgsql/skybuilders/dbbackup/somedb.dump
>When I run the script from the command line, after having su'ed into the
>postgres account, this script stops at the pg_dump line waiting for a password.
>Finally I will excerpt some of the final lines of my pg_hba.conf file:
># TYPE     DATABASE    IP_ADDRESS    MASK               AUTH_TYPE
>#local      all                                          trust
>#host       all    trust
># Using sockets credentials for improved security. Not available everywhere,
># but works on Linux, *BSD (and probably some others)
>#local  all     ident   sameuser
>### --> Added by JSB <--
>local       skyTemplate                                  md5
>local       sameuser                                     md5
>local       all                                          md5  admins
># use following line to perform commands as postgres without password
># local       all                                          trust
>host        all    md5
>I understand were I to change the AUTH_TYPE setting from "md5" to "trust"
>the password challenge emanating from the pg_dump command will go away.
>However, I wish to maintain the use of md5 authentication.
>Ideas anybody?
>Jesse Burkhardt
>  (w) 617-876-5680
>    (h) 617-354-5523
>---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
>TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings


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Re: Automated backup problems - pg_dump

Jesse Burkhardt
Yo Stephan,

Thanks. That was the problem: that there is no longer and underscore in the pg password env var, PGPASSWORD.

Are you familiar with the Hungarian jazz guitarist Gabo Szabo?

Stephan Szabo wrote:
On Sun, 24 Aug 2003, Jesse Burkhardt wrote:
I am sure many of you have encountered the problems I am experiencing
with automating the pg_dump command from a cron. The problem arises from
a failure of this command to use the environmental variable,
PG_PASSWORD. (PGUSER, on the other hand, is picked up during command   
I think the environment variable is PGPASSWORD (no underscore) in at least
7.3 and above.  Also, it's somewhat depricated in favor of using the
.pgpass file. 

Jesse  (w)    (h) 617-354-5523

Re: Automated backup problems - pg_dump

Chris Miles
Yes the variable is actually: PGPASSWORD

I have a crond pg_dump script (as root) that sets this variable and
dumps with "-U postgres" and uses the variable successfully.


Stephan Szabo wrote:
> On Sun, 24 Aug 2003, Jesse Burkhardt wrote:
>>I am sure many of you have encountered the problems I am experiencing
>>with automating the pg_dump command from a cron. The problem arises from
>>a failure of this command to use the environmental variable,
>>PG_PASSWORD. (PGUSER, on the other hand, is picked up during command
> I think the environment variable is PGPASSWORD (no underscore) in at least
> 7.3 and above.  Also, it's somewhat depricated in favor of using the
> .pgpass file.

Chris Miles