Thread: Host configuration

Host configuration

"Paul Harrison"
I am running postgress 7.2 on a solaris system and trying to connect from a
windows 2000 based laptop to a database on the solaris system using an
interactive sql program (from McKoi in fact).

I have altered the pg_hba.conf file by appending a line to said file:

host   all     trust

This should let all other hosts connect to any database.

The server was started with the -i option to allow TCP/IP connections.
The logging from the server indicated a connection attempt was made but the
error message was along the lines of -  "No pg_hba.conf entry for host, user fdm, database mmpoint."

A similar problem was found if an attempt was made to connect from another
UNIX system but the connection was successful when a connection was
attempeted on the local machine.

I searched for any other instance of pg_hba.conf on the UNIX box, in case it
was picking up a different one but there was just the single instance.
My connection string from my laptop was 'java -classpath
"famejdbc.jar;pgjdbc2.jar" com.datagenic.fusion.isql org.postgresql.Driver
jdbc:postgresql:// fdm fdm2'
Does anyone have an idea of what I need to do?

Re: Host configuration

"Gregory S. Williamson"
I had a similar problem recently and in the end it seems to have been me not restarting the postmaster; changes to the
pg_hba.conffile weren't seen until then (I am sure this is documented but I managed to overlook it; Informix' sqlhosts
fileis read at connection time so changes are immediate - I was conditioned by this, I think). This was on a linux box
runningpostgres and a Windows app (pgadmin) trying to connect.  

If this is not the case please forgive my banal suggestion ...

Greg Williamson
DBA GlobeXplorer LLC

-----Original Message-----
From:    Paul Harrison []
Sent:    Fri 8/15/2003 8:54 AM
Subject:    [ADMIN] Host configuration

I am running postgress 7.2 on a solaris system and trying to connect from a
windows 2000 based laptop to a database on the solaris system using an
interactive sql program (from McKoi in fact).

I have altered the pg_hba.conf file by appending a line to said file:

host   all     trust

This should let all other hosts connect to any database.

The server was started with the -i option to allow TCP/IP connections.
The logging from the server indicated a connection attempt was made but the
error message was along the lines of -  "No pg_hba.conf entry for host, user fdm, database mmpoint."

A similar problem was found if an attempt was made to connect from another
UNIX system but the connection was successful when a connection was
attempeted on the local machine.

I searched for any other instance of pg_hba.conf on the UNIX box, in case it
was picking up a different one but there was just the single instance.
My connection string from my laptop was 'java -classpath
"famejdbc.jar;pgjdbc2.jar" com.datagenic.fusion.isql org.postgresql.Driver
jdbc:postgresql:// fdm fdm2'
Does anyone have an idea of what I need to do?

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

Re: Host configuration

"Nick Fankhauser"
In addition to making sure you do a reload to pick up the new values, make
sure that the pg_hba.conf file you are editing is in fact the one being read
by the postmaster. There have been a few situations where a symbolic link
pointing from the data directory to a conf file living somewhere else gets
lost or some other oddity in the way Postgres is set up on a machine causes

It looks like you've made the correct entry in the pg_hba file, so I'd look
in the direction of a reason for the file not being read. (I remember a
situation where the postgresql.conf file wasn't available & we learned that
postmaster doesn't complain if it is missing- I suppose this might be the
case with pg_hba as well, but I've never tested it.)


> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Gregory S.
> Williamson
> Sent: Saturday, August 16, 2003 4:21 AM
> To: Paul Harrison;
> Subject: Re: [ADMIN] Host configuration
> I had a similar problem recently and in the end it seems to have
> been me not restarting the postmaster; changes to the pg_hba.conf
> file weren't seen until then (I am sure this is documented but I
> managed to overlook it; Informix' sqlhosts file is read at
> connection time so changes are immediate - I was conditioned by
> this, I think). This was on a linux box running postgres and a
> Windows app (pgadmin) trying to connect.
> If this is not the case please forgive my banal suggestion ...
> Greg Williamson
> DBA GlobeXplorer LLC
> -----Original Message-----
> From:    Paul Harrison []
> Sent:    Fri 8/15/2003 8:54 AM
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject:    [ADMIN] Host configuration
> I am running postgress 7.2 on a solaris system and trying to
> connect from a
> windows 2000 based laptop to a database on the solaris system using an
> interactive sql program (from McKoi in fact).
> I have altered the pg_hba.conf file by appending a line to said file:
> host   all     trust
> This should let all other hosts connect to any database.
> The server was started with the -i option to allow TCP/IP connections.
> The logging from the server indicated a connection attempt was
> made but the
> error message was along the lines of -  "No pg_hba.conf entry for host
>, user fdm, database mmpoint."
> A similar problem was found if an attempt was made to connect from another
> UNIX system but the connection was successful when a connection was
> attempeted on the local machine.
> I searched for any other instance of pg_hba.conf on the UNIX box,
> in case it
> was picking up a different one but there was just the single instance.
> My connection string from my laptop was 'java -classpath
> "famejdbc.jar;pgjdbc2.jar" com.datagenic.fusion.isql org.postgresql.Driver
> jdbc:postgresql:// fdm fdm2'
> Does anyone have an idea of what I need to do?
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
>       subscribe-nomail command to so that your
>       message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: Host configuration

"Chad R. Larson"
At 02:21 AM 8/16/2003 , Gregory S. Williamson wrote:
>I had a similar problem recently and in the end it seems to have been me
>not restarting the postmaster; changes to the pg_hba.conf file weren't
>seen until then (I am sure this is documented but I managed to overlook it;

The file was read on each connection attempt up through 7.1 (I think).  Now
it is read on the postmaster startup.  A "pg_ctl reload" will do it for you.


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