Thread: translate referential integrity violation

translate referential integrity violation


Paulo Fabrício Puga Miranda
Desenvolvimento de TI

(31) 9691-3494

I would like to know how can I change the error messages from PostgreSQL, because I need to translate them to Portuguese, thanks!
this is the message: "ERROR: <table> referential integrity violation - key referenced from <table>",
this is what I need: "ERROR: <table> INTEGRIDADE REFERENCIAL VIOLADA <table>"

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Re: translate referential integrity violation

Robert Treat
On Mon, 2003-07-28 at 15:41, fabricio wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to know how can I change the error messages from
> PostgreSQL, because I need to translate them to Portuguese, thanks!
> Example:
> this is the message: "ERROR: <table> referential integrity violation -
> key referenced from <table>",
> this is what I need: "ERROR: <table> INTEGRIDADE REFERENCIAL VIOLADA
> <table>"

You'll need to check out the source code from CVS and look for the .po
files. These files contain the language strings for various parts of
postgresql. If you translate them to Portuguese you can then build
postgresql in your language. though i didn't notice any in the source
code, it is possible that someone has already done this, check out for more info.

Robert Treat
Build A Brighter Lamp :: Linux Apache {middleware} PostgreSQL