Thread: Error Messages

Error Messages

Ludwig Lim

  I found the following snippets of error messages in
the log file of a computer that is running

 NOTICE:  Message from PostgreSQL backend:
        The Postmaster has informed me that some other
backend died abnormally and possibly corrupted shared
memory.I have rolled back the current transaction and
am going to terminate your database system connection
and exit. Please reconnect to the database system and
repeat your query.

Is the error message above related to the following
error messages below :
DEBUG:  pq_recvbuf: recv() failed: Connection timed
DEBUG:  pq_flush: send() failed: Connection reset by
DEBUG:  pq_recvbuf: unexpected EOF on client
DEBUG:  pq_flush: send() failed: Broken pipe

    By the way, I didn't issue a kill to the
postgreSQL processes so I'm surpise by the "unexpected
EOF on client connection".

     Do I need to upgrade Postgresql? By the way there
are some errors if backup a 7.2 db and restore in 7.3
db. In 7.2 you can do something like "SELECT
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()" in a plpgsql function, while this
will cause in an error in 7.3.

      Do I need to change the hardware?

ludwig lim

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