Thread: Q: Structured index - which one runs faster?

Q: Structured index - which one runs faster?

Ernest E Vogelsinger
Hi all,

sorry for reposting this to the lists, but I feel I posted this at the
wrong time of day, since now a lot more of you gurus are reading, and I
really need some knowledgeable input... thanks for consideration :)

I have a question concerning table/key layout.

I need to store an ID value that consists of three numerical elements:
    - ident1 char(5)
    - ident2 char(5)
    - nodeid int4

I need an index on these columns. Insert, delete, and lookup operations
this in this need to be as fast as possible. Now I have two options:

(a) creating an index on all three columns, or
(b) create a single varchar column combining all three components into a
single string, like "ident1:ident2:nodeid" and indexing this column only.

There will be a couple of million rows in this table, the values in
question are not unique.

Which would be faster in your opinion? (a) or (b)?

Thanks for any insight,

   >O     Ernest E. Vogelsinger
   (\)    ICQ #13394035

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   >O     Ernest E. Vogelsinger
   (\)    ICQ #13394035

Re: Q: Structured index - which one runs faster?

Tom Lane
Ernest E Vogelsinger <> writes:
> (a) creating an index on all three columns, or
> (b) create a single varchar column combining all three components into a
> single string, like "ident1:ident2:nodeid" and indexing this column only.

I can't imagine that (b) is a good idea ... it's dubious that you are
saving anything on the indexing, and you're sure adding a lot of space
to the table, not to mention maintenance effort, potential for bugs,

It might be worth creating the index so that the "least non-unique"
column is mentioned first, if there's a clear winner in those terms.
That would minimize the number of times that comparisons have to look at
the additional columns.

            regards, tom lane

Re: Q: Structured index - which one runs faster?

Ernest E Vogelsinger
At 00:53 23.05.2003, Tom Lane said:
>Ernest E Vogelsinger <> writes:
>> (a) creating an index on all three columns, or
>> (b) create a single varchar column combining all three components into a
>> single string, like "ident1:ident2:nodeid" and indexing this column only.
>I can't imagine that (b) is a good idea ... it's dubious that you are
>saving anything on the indexing, and you're sure adding a lot of space
>to the table, not to mention maintenance effort, potential for bugs,
>It might be worth creating the index so that the "least non-unique"
>column is mentioned first, if there's a clear winner in those terms.
>That would minimize the number of times that comparisons have to look at
>the additional columns.

Thanks for replying :)

Do you know if there's a general performance difference between numeric
(int4) and character (fixed-size char[5]) columns? The ident1 and ident2
columns are planned to be char[5], only the third column (with least
precedence) will be numeric.

The application is still in the design phase, so I still could fiddle
around that and make that char[5] numeric with an additional mapping
(@runtime, not in the DB) if this will increase performance.


   >O     Ernest E. Vogelsinger
   (\)    ICQ #13394035

Re: Q: Structured index - which one runs faster?

Tom Lane
Ernest E Vogelsinger <> writes:
> Do you know if there's a general performance difference between numeric
> (int4) and character (fixed-size char[5]) columns? The ident1 and ident2
> columns are planned to be char[5], only the third column (with least
> precedence) will be numeric.

int4 is certainly faster to compare than char(n), but I wouldn't contort
your database design on that basis... if the idents aren't naturally
integers, don't force them to be.

            regards, tom lane

Re: [GENERAL] Q: Structured index - which one runs faster?

Reece Hart

> (a) creating an index on all three columns, or
> (b) create a single varchar column combining all three components into a
> single string, like "ident1:ident2:nodeid" and indexing this column only.
> There will be a couple of million rows in this table, the values in
> question are not unique.

I'd go with (a).  (b) is not very flexible (e.g., lookup by ident2
only), and any speed advantage will require knowing in advance the
optimal key order (i1:i2:n v. n:i2:i1 v. ...).  I'd expect it would be
comparable to a multi-column index for speed.

(a) can really be implemented in 3 ways:
(a1) an index of all 3 columns
(a2) an index on /each/ of 3 columns
(a3) a multi-column index AND separate indices on the others.
     e.g., index (i1,i2,n), and index (i2) and index (n)

The choice of which is fastest depends a lot on the distribution of keys
in each column and whether you need to do lookups on only one or two
columns.  Again, once you choose (b), you're kinda stuck with treating
the compound key as a single entity (without incurring a big performance
hit); (a) will allow you to experiment with optimal indexing without
affecting code.

Since it sounds like you've already got the data loaded, I (probably
others) would be interested in any timing runs you do.


Reece Hart, Ph.D.             ,
Genentech, Inc.                         650/225-6133 (voice), -5389 (fax)
Bioinformatics and Protein Engineering
1 DNA Way, MS-93              
South San Francisco, CA  94080-4990, GPG: 0x25EC91A0

Re: [GENERAL] Q: Structured index - which one runs faster?

On Thu, 22 May 2003, Ernest E Vogelsinger wrote:

> Hi all,
> sorry for reposting this to the lists, but I feel I posted this at the
> wrong time of day, since now a lot more of you gurus are reading, and I
> really need some knowledgeable input... thanks for consideration :)
> I have a question concerning table/key layout.
> I need to store an ID value that consists of three numerical elements:
>     - ident1 char(5)
>     - ident2 char(5)
>     - nodeid int4
> I need an index on these columns. Insert, delete, and lookup operations
> this in this need to be as fast as possible. Now I have two options:
> (a) creating an index on all three columns, or
> (b) create a single varchar column combining all three components into a
> single string, like "ident1:ident2:nodeid" and indexing this column only.
> There will be a couple of million rows in this table, the values in
> question are not unique.
> Which would be faster in your opinion? (a) or (b)?

Generally speaking, b should be faster, but a should be more versatile.