Thread: Restrict the number of emails to certain keywords with a filter?

Restrict the number of emails to certain keywords with a filter?

Bob Wheldon
Hi all,

Can I restrict the number of emails to certain keywords with a filter?

I am getting too many irrelevant emails (but I do not want to stop all the
emails from [ADMIN]!


Bob Wheldon
Tel.      +49 8444/7309

Re: Restrict the number of emails to certain keywords with a filter?

Andrew Sullivan
On Fri, Apr 04, 2003 at 10:57:46AM +0200, Bob Wheldon wrote:
> Hi all,
> Can I restrict the number of emails to certain keywords with a filter?

Sure.  The procmail program is probably a good choice for this.  It's
extremely clever.  You may even be able to find some recipes for what
you want on the Net.  Make sure you test it and log everything for a
while, though!


Andrew Sullivan                         204-4141 Yonge Street
Liberty RMS                           Toronto, Ontario Canada
<>                              M2P 2A8
                                         +1 416 646 3304 x110