Thread: multiple $PGDATA dir's for one! postmaster?

multiple $PGDATA dir's for one! postmaster?

Tom Tom

is there anyway that one postmaster will manage
PGDATA directories (e.g. on different harddrives)?
or is it restricted to one ?


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Re: multiple $PGDATA dir's for one! postmaster?

Robert Treat
On Thu, 2003-03-06 at 05:44, Tom Tom wrote:
> hi,
> is there anyway that one postmaster will manage
> different
> PGDATA directories (e.g. on different harddrives)?
> or is it restricted to one ?

This was a little ambigous to me, so heres the possible answers I came
up with:

a) You want to run postgresql but you'd like to split your database over
two physical hard drives. You can do this with multiple $pgdata's, but
you can symlink the files/directories under $pgdata to different hard

b) You like to switch back and forth between two different data dirs for
testing purposes. AFAIK you can do this, whenever you start/stop the
postmaster just pass it a different $pgdata string and it will read from
the new $pgdata dir. You'll need to make sure that the two servers are
running on different ports, but I can't think of any other hang-ups. You
should note though that both databases will actually be seperate
processes, with there own statistics and connection child processes,
just that they both will be started with the same binary.

Robert Treat

Re: multiple $PGDATA dir's for one! postmaster?

Andrew Sullivan
On Thu, Mar 06, 2003 at 02:44:13AM -0800, Tom Tom wrote:
> is there anyway that one postmaster will manage
> different
> PGDATA directories (e.g. on different harddrives)?
> or is it restricted to one ?

You can use more than one.  Check out initlocation.


Andrew Sullivan                         204-4141 Yonge Street
Liberty RMS                           Toronto, Ontario Canada
<>                              M2P 2A8
                                         +1 416 646 3304 x110

Re: multiple $PGDATA dir's for one! postmaster?

Artur Pietruk
On Thu, Mar 06, 2003 at 02:44:13AM -0800, Tom Tom wrote:
> hi,
> is there anyway that one postmaster will manage
> different
> PGDATA directories (e.g. on different harddrives)?
> or is it restricted to one ?

    Short answer: yes, RTFM, man postmaster ;-). (You can specify
different database cluster with -D option, as long as they do not share
port - read manual.)

    Best regards,
--- Artur Pietruk