Thread: ...


Mauro Goncalves de Oliveria

Good day to all, It forgives for the bad English,

I use MS Visual FoxPro 6 and am writing an application using the BD PostGreSQL version 7.2.3, but I am finding problems of communication between the Fox and the ODBC (version 7.02.0004), when I create one view that it uses calculated fields of the numeric type with decimals (field1 - field2) and this view to contain  parameters to query, after open this view with NODATA and to make the REQUERY() receives a message from error saying that the fields no correspond more to the one that was before, the same thing happen with field BYTEA of the PostGre that also stops some images (I do not know why) modifies the definitions of view.  It would like an aid of you in this direction.

Since already I thank

Mauro Gonçalves de Oliveira

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