Thread: Bit string manipulation in Postgresql

Bit string manipulation in Postgresql

Ericson Smith
Hi all,

I'm trying to code a problem where a set of options can be expressed in
a data column like "10111011", a bit string.

Each position is atomic and represents a certain setting within the set,
thus: "00100000" would return TRUE if OR'd with "10111011", since the
3'rd position matches in both sets.

While I could manually retrieve N records and iterate through them in
whatever programming language (or possibly a plpgsql function), is there
a way I could natively do this in a WHERE clause in my query?

Looking through the idocs, I could not immediately find a way around
this issue. Any pointers to documentation (or perhaps another way to
implement this issue) would be very helpful.

Ericson Smith

Re: Bit string manipulation in Postgresql

"Josh Goldberg"

is this what you're after?

SELECT 1 WHERE B'1010' & B'0110' > B'0001';
returns 1
SELECT 1 WHERE B'1010' & B'0100' > B'0001';
returns null

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ericson Smith" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 5:01 PM
Subject: [ADMIN] Bit string manipulation in Postgresql

> Hi all,
> I'm trying to code a problem where a set of options can be expressed in
> a data column like "10111011", a bit string.
> Each position is atomic and represents a certain setting within the set,
> thus: "00100000" would return TRUE if OR'd with "10111011", since the
> 3'rd position matches in both sets.
> While I could manually retrieve N records and iterate through them in
> whatever programming language (or possibly a plpgsql function), is there
> a way I could natively do this in a WHERE clause in my query?
> Looking through the idocs, I could not immediately find a way around
> this issue. Any pointers to documentation (or perhaps another way to
> implement this issue) would be very helpful.
> Regards
> Ericson Smith
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