Thread: User/group association

User/group association

Casey Allen Shobe
I'm working on a users view for my database (what I have so far can be found
below), and I was wondering how postgres associates users with groups, as
there is no grosysid column in pg_user.  I would like to display information
like so:

Username:         Primary Group:       Other Groups:
cshobe            Administrators       Security Operations, Development

See the question marks below for an in-context request.

Any help is greatly appreciated,

- Casey

create view    "users" as
    select        ps."usesysid" as "UID",
            ps."usename" as "Username",
            ps."passwd" as "Password",
            coalesce (
                    select        cast (p."position_name" as varchar)
                    from only    "positions" as "p"
                    where        p."position_id" = (
                        select        cast (ui."info_value" as integer)
                        from only    "user_info" as "ui"
                        inner join only    "user_info_types" as "uit"
                        on        uit."type_id" = ui."info_type_id"
                        where uit."info_type" = 'Position ID'
                        and uit."info_type_name" = 'Default'
                        and ui."user_id" = ps."usesysid"
            ) as "Position",
            coalesce (
                    select        cast (pg."groname" as varchar)
                    from only    "pg_group" as "pg"
                    where        pg."grosysid" = (
                        ????????where do I get this from?????????
            ) as "Group",
            coalesce (
                    select        cast (ui."info_value" as integer)
                    from only    "user_info" as "ui"
                    inner join only    "user_info_types" as "uit"
                    on        uit."type_id" = ui."info_type_id"
                    where uit.info_type = 'Creator ID'
                    and uit.info_type_name = 'Default'
                    and ui."user_id" = ps."usesysid"
            ) as "Creator ID",
            coalesce (
                    select        cast (ui."info_value" as varchar)
                    from only    "user_info" as "ui"
                    inner join only    "user_info_types" as "uit"
                    on        uit."type_id" = ui."info_type_id"
                    where uit.info_type = 'E-Mail'
                    and uit.info_type_name = 'Work'
                    and ui."user_id" = ps."usesysid"
            ) as "Work E-Mail Address",
            coalesce (
                    select        cast (ui."info_value" as varchar)
                    from only    "user_info" as "ui"
                    inner join only    "user_info_types" as "uit"
                    on        uit."type_id" = ui."info_type_id"
                    where uit.info_type = 'Extension'
                    and uit.info_type_name = 'Work'
                    and ui."user_id" = ps."usesysid"
            ) as "Extension",
            coalesce (
                    select        cast (ui."info_value" as varchar)
                    from only    "user_info" as "ui"
                    inner join only    "user_info_types" as "uit"
                    on        uit."type_id" = ui."info_type_id"
                    where uit.info_type = 'Telephone'
                    and uit.info_type_name = 'Home'
                    and ui."user_id" = ps."usesysid"
            ) as "Home Telephone",
            coalesce (
                    select        cast (ui."info_value" as varchar)
                    from only    "user_info" as "ui"
                    inner join only    "user_info_types" as "uit"
                    on        uit."type_id" = ui."info_type_id"
                    where uit.info_type = 'Telephone'
                    and uit.info_type_name = 'Mobile'
                    and ui."user_id" = ps."usesysid"
            ) as "Mobile Telephone"
    from only    "pg_shadow" as "ps"
    where        ps."usesysid" > 100
    order by    "UID";

Casey Allen Shobe / Network Security Analyst & PHP Developer
SecureWorks, Inc. / 404.327.6339 x169 / Fax: 404.728.0144 /
Content is my own and does not necessarily represent my company.