On Thursday 25 July 2002 01:31 pm, Tom Lane wrote:
> Chris Ruprecht <chrup@earthlink.net> writes:
> > The default size of a Postgres file seems to be 1 GB. I know, I can
> > increase that by modifying <can't remember what it was I did here - that
> > parameter which gives you the file size, once you divide it by the
> > blocksize> My question is: is it safe to do so?
> Yes, *if* your OS supports large files.
No problem on the Linux side. I'm not planning to run this on anything else.
> It might fail at 2GB, and definitely will fail beyond 4GB, because we
it will probably fail at 2 GB, since the seek position is signed.
> use 32-bit arithmetic to compute file offsets. You could possibly fix
> this with some fairly localized hacking in fd.c, which AFAIK is pretty
> much the only place that actually deals in byte offsets rather than
> block numbers. If you were to make that code talk to a 64-bit-offset
> fseek call, you could probably disable segment splitting entirely (look
> in md.c to see the #ifdef for that).
I have had a look at fd.c and md.c and it doesn't look too bad. I think I can
get away with modifying seekpos from type "long" to "unsigned long long"
which would give me the full 64 bits.
The most complicated issue, I would think, is to make the thing define
USE_64_BIT_SEEK in the './configure' process ;-). I take a shot at it and see
how it goes. Right now, my larges table (22 million records) is nearing the 4
GB boundary, 3 x 1 GB plus about 700 MB.
I know Linux can handle sizes > 2 GB, I do that all the time with pg_dumpall,
although, pg_dumpall chokes, when it hits the 2GB boundary. To circumvent
that, I pipe it's output to cat and redirct cat's output to the final output
file (I have to look at pg_dump too, some time, to find out why this is
> If you try this, let us know how it works. That code hasn't been
> touched recently, but I think it would be cool if there were a
> compile option for 64-bit file offsets in place of segment splitting.
I'm working on it - but don't hold your breath. I will need this working, when
I have my application done, and right now, I will do both, parallel, with
priority on the app. I'm not good with C, so I might miss a few things here
or there, but I'm sure, we can get this working.
Best regards,