Thread: Postmaster environment variables

Postmaster environment variables

daniel m
I am trying to relocate my database,  as per instructions in the manual:

Under user postgres :

sh-2.04$ PGDATA2=/home/postgres/data
sh-2.04$ export PGDATA2
sh-2.04$ echo $PGDATA2

I stop the postmaster and :
sh-2.04$ /usr/lib/postgresql/bin/initlocation PGDATA2
The location will be initialized with username "postgres".
This user will own all the files and must also own the server process.

Fixing permissions on pre-existing directory /home/postgres/data
Fixing permissions on pre-existing directory /home/postgres/data/base

initlocation is complete. (...)

I restart the postmaster and :

sh-2.04$ createdb planifgr -D 'PGDATA2'
ERROR:  Postmaster environment variable 'PGDATA2' not set
createdb: database creation failed

although :

sh-2.04$ echo $PGDATA2

I even tried to set the variable from within the scripts (debian distr.)
that start the backend (etc/init.d/postgresql). Same response.

Where is the variable?

Re: Postmaster environment variables

"Fouad Fezzi"
Hi daniel

how do you  start postmaster  is it with -D ?
If you don't fix problem i can send you script in debian that work with
PGDATA variable.


----- Original Message -----
From: "daniel m" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, June 28, 2002 4:23 AM
Subject: [ADMIN] Postmaster environment variables

> I am trying to relocate my database,  as per instructions in the manual:
> Under user postgres :
> sh-2.04$ PGDATA2=/home/postgres/data
> sh-2.04$ export PGDATA2
> sh-2.04$ echo $PGDATA2
> /home/postgres/data
> I stop the postmaster and :
> sh-2.04$ /usr/lib/postgresql/bin/initlocation PGDATA2
> The location will be initialized with username "postgres".
> This user will own all the files and must also own the server process.
> Fixing permissions on pre-existing directory /home/postgres/data
> Fixing permissions on pre-existing directory /home/postgres/data/base
> initlocation is complete. (...)
> I restart the postmaster and :
> sh-2.04$ createdb planifgr -D 'PGDATA2'
> ERROR:  Postmaster environment variable 'PGDATA2' not set
> createdb: database creation failed
> although :
> sh-2.04$ echo $PGDATA2
> /home/postgres/data
> I even tried to set the variable from within the scripts (debian distr.)
> that start the backend (etc/init.d/postgresql). Same response.
> Where is the variable?
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: Postmaster environment variables

"Nick Fankhauser"

When you restart postmaster, the process isn't getting this env variable
because it isn't defined in .profile for your postgres user or in a shell
file that .profile executes.

On Debian Linux, you could set this in /var/lib/postgres/.profile or



Nick Fankhauser  Phone 1.765.935.4283  Fax 1.765.962.9788
Ray Ontko & Co.     Software Consulting Services

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of daniel m
> Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2002 9:23 PM
> To:
> Subject: [ADMIN] Postmaster environment variables
> I am trying to relocate my database,  as per instructions in the manual:
> Under user postgres :
> sh-2.04$ PGDATA2=/home/postgres/data
> sh-2.04$ export PGDATA2
> sh-2.04$ echo $PGDATA2
> /home/postgres/data
> I stop the postmaster and :
> sh-2.04$ /usr/lib/postgresql/bin/initlocation PGDATA2
> The location will be initialized with username "postgres".
> This user will own all the files and must also own the server process.
> Fixing permissions on pre-existing directory /home/postgres/data
> Fixing permissions on pre-existing directory /home/postgres/data/base
> initlocation is complete. (...)
> I restart the postmaster and :
> sh-2.04$ createdb planifgr -D 'PGDATA2'
> ERROR:  Postmaster environment variable 'PGDATA2' not set
> createdb: database creation failed
> although :
> sh-2.04$ echo $PGDATA2
> /home/postgres/data
> I even tried to set the variable from within the scripts (debian distr.)
> that start the backend (etc/init.d/postgresql). Same response.
> Where is the variable?
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: Postmaster environment variables

Björn Lundin
daniel m wrote:

> sh-2.04$ createdb planifgr -D 'PGDATA2'
> ERROR:  Postmaster environment variable 'PGDATA2' not set
> createdb: database creation failed
> although :
> sh-2.04$ echo $PGDATA2
> /home/postgres/data

sholdn't it be
 sh-2.04$ createdb planifgr -D $PGDATA2
