Thread: New dia2sql Made

New dia2sql Made

Tim Ellis
Hello Lists, Alexander,

I've created a new "dia2sql" Perl script (this is a complete rewrite). I'm
calling it version 0.50.

It has several major enhancements over the original dia2sql including
using the UML association UML datatype for foreign keys. Like the original
dia2sql, you need to upgrade your 'expat' and get XML::Parser, but
additionally you need XML::DOM to run my dia2sql.

The 'documentation' of this script is an ultra-long comment at the top of
the Perl script, describing how you have to create your Dia UML diagram to
make the SQL DDL come out right.

The .tar.gz of the file is roughly 49k and is available over a 128k DSL at
the following URL:

:) tar -zvtf dia2sql.tar.gz
drwxrwxr-x time/time         0 2002-06-25 17:43:11 dia2sql/
-rw-rw-r-- time/time     29879 2002-06-25 17:28:56 dia2sql/TestERD.dia
-rw-rw-r-- time/time     41127 2002-06-25 17:40:58 dia2sql/TestERD.png
-rwxr-xr-x time/time     18586 2002-06-25 17:29:56 dia2sql/dia2sql
-rw-rw-r-- time/time     17961 2002-06-25 15:51:40 dia2sql/LICENSE
-rw-rw-r-- time/time      1412 2002-06-25 17:30:00 dia2sql/testerd.sql

The files are an ungzipped Dia savefile (.dia), a screenshot of the
TestERD.dia loaded in my specially-modified Dia that has extra connection
points per UML Class (.png), the dia2sql Perl script, the GPL LICENSE, and
the output of dia2sql with the command line of:
    "./dia2sql -i TestERD.dia -o testerd -d"

It has one major missing function of the original dia2sql: it only outputs
Postgres style SQL DDL right now, although the manner in which I coded the
script should make it a 5-minute job to have it output MySQL DDL or even
Sybase, Oracle, DB2, and MS-SQL Server DDL.

Please, if you are interested in a Dia UML Diagram to SQL DDL converter,
download the tarball and try it out. I'd love to have bug reports and
patches and a CVSROOT to host this thing long-term, etc.

Tim Ellis
DBA, Gamet

Dia --> SQL (tedia2sql 0.58 Released

Tim Ellis
I released two days ago a script I, in poor judgement, called "dia2sql"
which is a replacement for dia2sql.

I've renamed it to "tedia2sql" meaning Tim Ellis' dia2sql script. The
current version is 0.58.

Changelog includes: Sybase support, Postgres support, column formatting,
bug fix for Associations-->Foreign Key, four-file table/constraint
drop/add output option.

I've tested this script on a ~30-table schema with ~35 associations
(foreign-key constraints) and it basically does the Right Thing.

As previously mentioned, this script uses Associations for foreign key
references as opposed to the "column named fk_*" method of the original
dia2sql. This should make those of you used to ER/Win or Dezign or CASE
Studio a little happier.

TODO includes automatic index creation via Class operations and cleaning
up the documentation. This latter will be a higher priority for me if
someone tries to use it, has problems, and emails me.

Temporary homepage on a 128k DSL connection:

Tim Ellis
DBA, Gamet

TeDia2SQL 0.77 (Dia-->SQL DDL Tool) Released

Tim Ellis
Hello, Lists, James,

tedia2sql 0.77 (Dia UML diagram --> SQL DDL converter) is released. It
currently supports Dia UML-->Sybase, Postgres, Oracle.

New in 0.77: Oracle support debugged, finished, tested. Todo: DB/2 support


James K. Lowden: My emails to you off-list are not getting through. Have
you received ~6 emails from tim[dot]ellis[at]gamet[dot]com? Please check
your mail server & spam filters.

Tim Ellis
DBA, Gamet

Re: TeDia2SQL 0.77 (Dia-->SQL DDL Tool) Released

Dmitry Morozovsky

I suppose it would be very useful if you place some links to Dia-related
pages to your page. Especially for BDA-newbies, you know ;-)

On Fri, 28 Jun 2002, Tim Ellis wrote:

TE> Hello, Lists, James,
TE> tedia2sql 0.77 (Dia UML diagram --> SQL DDL converter) is released. It
TE> currently supports Dia UML-->Sybase, Postgres, Oracle.
TE> New in 0.77: Oracle support debugged, finished, tested. Todo: DB/2 support
TE> debug/finish/test.
TE> Homepage:
TE> James K. Lowden: My emails to you off-list are not getting through. Have
TE> you received ~6 emails from tim[dot]ellis[at]gamet[dot]com? Please check
TE> your mail server & spam filters.
TE> Thanks,
TE> --
TE> Tim Ellis
TE> DBA, Gamet
TE> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TE> TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
TE>     (send "unregister YourEmailAddressHere" to

D.Marck                                   [DM5020, DM268-RIPE, DM3-RIPN]
*** Dmitry Morozovsky --- D.Marck --- Wild Woozle --- ***

Re: tedia2sql 0.77 (Dia-->SQL DDL Tool) Released

Tim Ellis
On Sun, 30 Jun 2002 23:21:24 +0400 (MSD)
Dmitry Morozovsky <> wrote:

> I suppose it would be very useful if you place some links to Dia-related
> pages to your page. Especially for BDA-newbies, you know ;-)

Done. Added links to Dia, Postgres, and Schemamania. Didn't bother adding
links to Oracle, Sybase, DB2, MSSQL, or MySQL... sorry.

Tim Ellis
DBA, Gamet