Thread: Doubt in Plpgsql

Doubt in Plpgsql

Hi all,
    I am sorry for putting this question in this list. Hope some body may know 'plpgsql' in postgres.
    As I am practicing plpgsql I wrote the following code which is not retrieving data.
 temprec record;
 funcs text;
 funcid integer;
 funcs := 'success';
 for temprec in select * from tbldefaultaccounts loop
 -- if record belongs to project function
  if temprec.isfunction = 't' then
   funcid := 1;
   select functionid into funcid from tblFunctionHierarchy where HierarchyName = temprec.fname;
   funcs := funcs || ', ' ||  funcid ;
  end if;
 end loop;
 return funcs;
Can any body say what is problem with this code. I hope it might have problem after where condition.
where tbldefaultaccounts is
            daccid serial;
            fname varchar(50);
and tblFunctionHierarchy is
        functionid serial;
        name varchar(50);