Thread: pg_dump issue across different versions (7.1.2 & 7.2).

pg_dump issue across different versions (7.1.2 & 7.2).

Bhuvan A

here i have 2 machines which have postgres 7.1.2 & 7.2 running,
respectively.  I did try pg_dump of database in machine (7.2) from the
machine where i have 7.1.2 and it produced the message

Archiver(db) version: 7.1
Aborting because of version mismatch.
Use --ignore-version if you think it's safe to proceed anyway.

so i did try with the option '--ignore-version', then it produced

Archiver(db) version: 7.1
Proceeding despite version mismatch.
getTables(): SELECT (for PRIMARY KEY) failed on table
address.  Explanation from backend: ERROR:  Attribute 'oid' not found


what seems to be the problem here?? how could i overcome this problem?
one way is to dump in corresponding machine. any other way?

any valuable suggestions are very welcome at the earliest, please!


Re: pg_dump issue across different versions (7.1.2 & 7.2).

Tom Lane
Bhuvan A <> writes:
> what seems to be the problem here??

7.1 pg_dump will not work against a 7.2 server.  In general there is
little hope of pg_dump version N working against server version > N;
it cannot know about later changes to the system catalog layout.
(And practically every major release has some.)

We have kept backwards compatibility since 7.0, though --- eg,
7.2 pg_dump still remembers how to get catalog info from 7.0 and
7.1 servers.

            regards, tom lane