Thread: Is this list working?

Is this list working?

From (Tony Reina)
I'm reading the list through Google groups, but I haven't seen much
activity on admin, hackers, sql, etc. over the last few weeks. Are
there just not any posts or is something screwy with Google groups

I was hoping to see the status of 7.2.


Re: Is this list working?

Yasuo Ohgaki
Jules Alberts wrote:

> On 10 Jan 2002 17:37:25 -0800, Tony Reina <> wrote:
>>I'm reading the list through Google groups, but I haven't seen much
>>activity on admin, hackers, sql, etc. over the last few weeks. Are
>>there just not any posts or is something screwy with Google groups
>>I was hoping to see the status of 7.2.
> if this posting arrives you may safely conclude that the list is
> working :)
> i [complete newbie] agree that there isn't much activity.  there is a
> lot more on the postgresql mailing lists, you may want to try them.
> subscribe at

True, but I don't see Tom's posts even in hackers list.
I'm accessing via. news server. Should I subscribe actual
e-mail list to read them?

Yasuo Ohgaki

Re: Is this list working?

root@localhost.localdomain (Jules Alberts)
On Fri, 11 Jan 2002 17:39:06 +0900, Yasuo Ohgaki
<> wrote:
>Jules Alberts wrote:
>> On 10 Jan 2002 17:37:25 -0800, Tony Reina <> wrote:
>>>I'm reading the list through Google groups, but I haven't seen much
>>>activity on admin, hackers, sql, etc. over the last few weeks. Are
>>>there just not any posts or is something screwy with Google groups
>>>I was hoping to see the status of 7.2.
>> if this posting arrives you may safely conclude that the list is
>> working :)
>> i [complete newbie] agree that there isn't much activity.  there is
>> a lot more on the postgresql mailing lists, you may want to try
>> them.  subscribe at
>True, but I don't see Tom's posts even in hackers list.  I'm
>accessing via. news server. Should I subscribe actual e-mail list to
>read them?

you could try that. i subscribed to the mailing lists, and there is a
lot more feed there. i subscribed to everything but ODBC, and from the
last weekend there were about a 100 postings.

Jules Alberts

Re: Is this list working?

root@localhost.localdomain (Jules Alberts)
On 10 Jan 2002 17:37:25 -0800, Tony Reina <> wrote:
>I'm reading the list through Google groups, but I haven't seen much
>activity on admin, hackers, sql, etc. over the last few weeks. Are
>there just not any posts or is something screwy with Google groups
>I was hoping to see the status of 7.2.

if this posting arrives you may safely conclude that the list is
working :)

i [complete newbie] agree that there isn't much activity.  there is a
lot more on the postgresql mailing lists, you may want to try them.
subscribe at


Jules Alberts

Re: Is this list working?

"Marc G. Fournier"
Try pointing your news reader at itself ... we just
fixed a permissions problem wiht the posts goign to the lists, so Google
and all them might get a better flow now too ...

On 11 Jan 2002, Jules Alberts wrote:

> On 10 Jan 2002 17:37:25 -0800, Tony Reina <> wrote:
> >I'm reading the list through Google groups, but I haven't seen much
> >activity on admin, hackers, sql, etc. over the last few weeks. Are
> >there just not any posts or is something screwy with Google groups
> >newsserver?
> >
> >I was hoping to see the status of 7.2.
> >
> >-Tony
> >
> >
> if this posting arrives you may safely conclude that the list is
> working :)
> i [complete newbie] agree that there isn't much activity.  there is a
> lot more on the postgresql mailing lists, you may want to try them.
> subscribe at
> --
> Jules Alberts
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
> subscribe-nomail command to so that your
> message can get through to the mailing list cleanly