Thread: Fwd: db seems to be corrupt but continues to work. It won't let me do a pg_dump

Fwd: db seems to be corrupt but continues to work. It won't let me do a pg_dump


I've a db named "4unrealers". It has been running smoothly until yesterday.
While I was revising the backup process[1] I noticed this message:

dharana@triton:~$ pg_dump -c 4unrealers
getTableAttrs(): SELECT (for DEFAULT) for attr fmid returned 0 tuples. Expected 1.

Then I tried the following:

  dharana@triton:~$ psql 4unrealers
  Welcome to psql, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.

  Type:  \copyright for distribution terms
         \h for help with SQL commands
         \? for help on internal slash commands
         \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
         \q to quit

  4unrealers=# \d forums_messages
  PQgetvalue: ERROR! tuple number 0 is out of range 0..-1
  Violación de segmento (Segmentation Fault)
  dharana@triton:~$ pq_recvbuf: unexpected EOF on client connection

So I thought I lost the db but then tried:

  dharana@triton:~$ psql 4unrealers
  Welcome to psql, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.

  Type:  \copyright for distribution terms
         \h for help with SQL commands
         \? for help on internal slash commands
         \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
         \q to quit

  4unrealers=# select count(fmid) from forums_messages;
  NOTICE:  AttrDefaultFetch: 2 record not found for rel forums_messages

\d works for others tables in the same db.

I've searched Recovery info in postgresql doc but I've found the pages relating
Recovering Dbs empty. Also google didn't threw a light about: NOTICE:

  P133MMX + 96Mb RAM 20 Gb IDE

  PostgreSql 7.1.3 (from .deb) running on Debian Woody with kernel 2.4.17.

Any Ideas on how to proceed?

Thank you in advance.

dharana <>                    Black holes are where
PGP KeyID: 0xC32A724                             GOD is dividing by zero
