Thread: child process problem

child process problem

"Jeremy Ashcraft"
I'm running PG7.0.2 on Solaris8 and am experiencing a problem with child
procs hanging around long after their queries have finished.  We're using PG
in conjuction with Enhydra application server.  I'm wondering if this is a
known bug of some sort with Solaris or PG, or will I need to dig into the
app server.  TIA


Re: child process problem

Brian Baquiran
Jeremy Ashcraft wrote:
> I'm running PG7.0.2 on Solaris8 and am experiencing a problem with child
> procs hanging around long after their queries have finished.  We're using PG
> in conjuction with Enhydra application server.  I'm wondering if this is a
> known bug of some sort with Solaris or PG, or will I need to dig into the
> app server.  TIA

Perhaps Enhydra is keeping the client connection open and reusing it for
later queries?
