Thread: Running a file

Running a file

Thomas SMETS

I'm runnin postgres 7.?? (Last RPM package available from the site).

I want to create a few DB creation scripts so I can "publish" that
On Oracle there's a such possibility but I haven't seen anything
comaprable in the docs ...
I however think I'm missing one of the very first possibility of
Could someone point me were I could find some more infos on that matter



p.s. :
Merry Xmas for some / Enjoy Ead / Merry Solstice for the others :-)

Sun Dec 24 13:32:35 CET 2000

Thomas SMETS                        e-mail :
Av. de la Brabançonne 133 / 3       Tel. : +32 (0)2 742. 05. 94.
1030 Bruxelles
======= Quote of the Day =========
The FALAFEL SANDWICH lands on my HEAD and I become a VEGETARIAN ...
========= End of Quote ===========

Re: Running a file

"Anthony E . Greene"
On Sun, 24 Dec 2000 08:18:50 Thomas SMETS wrote:
>I'm runnin postgres 7.?? (Last RPM package available from the site).
>I want to create a few DB creation scripts so I can "publish" that
>On Oracle there's a such possibility but I haven't seen anything
>comaprable in the docs ...

man pg_dump

Anthony E. Greene <> <>
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Running a file

Raju Mathur
Hi Thomas,

Is it possible you're looking for:

   psql -f script.sql <database>



-- Raju

>>>>> "Thomas" == Thomas SMETS <> writes:

    Thomas> I'm runnin postgres 7.?? (Last RPM package available from
    Thomas> the site).

    Thomas> I want to create a few DB creation scripts so I can
    Thomas> "publish" that afterwards.  On Oracle there's a such
    Thomas> possibility but I haven't seen anything comaprable in the
    Thomas> docs ...  I however think I'm missing one of the very
    Thomas> first possibility of "pgsql".  Could someone point me were
    Thomas> I could find some more infos on that matter ?

    Thomas> Tx,

    Thomas> Thomas,

    Thomas> p.s. : Merry Xmas for some / Enjoy Ead / Merry Solstice
    Thomas> for the others :-)
Raju Mathur 

Re: [SQL] Running a file

"Brett W. McCoy"
On Sun, 24 Dec 2000, Thomas SMETS wrote:

> I'm runnin postgres 7.?? (Last RPM package available from the site).
> I want to create a few DB creation scripts so I can "publish" that
> afterwards.
> On Oracle there's a such possibility but I haven't seen anything
> comaprable in the docs ...
> I however think I'm missing one of the very first possibility of
> "pgsql".
> Could someone point me were I could find some more infos on that matter
> ?

Are you talking about writing external scripts and importing them into
Postgres in a manner similar to the @ function in SQL*Plus?  In psql, you
can use \i to import scripts to do that.

-- Brett
Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.

Re: [SQL] Running a file

Thomas SMETS



p.s. Sorry for the stupid question

Raju Mathur wrote:
> Hi Thomas,
> Is it possible you're looking for:
>    psql -f script.sql <database>
> ?
> Regards,
> -- Raju
> >>>>> "Thomas" == Thomas SMETS <> writes:
>     Thomas> I'm runnin postgres 7.?? (Last RPM package available from
>     Thomas> the site).
>     Thomas> I want to create a few DB creation scripts so I can
>     Thomas> "publish" that afterwards.  On Oracle there's a such
>     Thomas> possibility but I haven't seen anything comaprable in the
>     Thomas> docs ...  I however think I'm missing one of the very
>     Thomas> first possibility of "pgsql".  Could someone point me were
>     Thomas> I could find some more infos on that matter ?
>     Thomas> Tx,
>     Thomas> Thomas,
>     Thomas> p.s. : Merry Xmas for some / Enjoy Ead / Merry Solstice
>     Thomas> for the others :-)
> --
> Raju Mathur 

Sat Dec 30 00:39:50 CET 2000

Thomas SMETS                        e-mail :
Av. de la Brabançonne 133 / 3       Tel. : +32 (0)2 742. 05. 94.
1030 Bruxelles
======= Quote of the Day =========
Ye've also got to remember that ... respectable people do the most
things to preserve their respectability.  Thank God I'm not respectable.
        -- Ruthven Campbell Todd
========= End of Quote ===========

Re: [SQL] Running a file

Kaare Rasmussen
> Are you talking about writing external scripts and importing them into
> Postgres in a manner similar to the @ function in SQL*Plus?  In psql, you
> can use \i to import scripts to do that.

If it's to be used in shell scripts, it's just as easy to pipe:

psql dbname<create_table.sql

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