Thread: PostgreSQL Mailing Lists ...

PostgreSQL Mailing Lists ...

The Hermit Hacker
NOTE: Four new Developer related mailing lists have been created!!

====                                                                  ====
====                  Last Modified May 24th, 2000                    ====
====                                                                  ====

To subscribe to or unsubscribe from any of the lists below, send a message
to (with XXXXXXX being the name of the list
as shown below) and in the body of the message put:


To get the digest version of a list, either subscribe to that list using:


Several options are can be set after subscribing to the list (or as part
of the subscribe line as above):

    set digest <- receive digested version of lists
    set nomail <- subscribe to list, but don't receive any email
                      from it.

If you need more information or help, email and
put the word help in the body of the message.

All of the PostgreSQL mailing lists are closed, in that to be able to post
to them, you have to be subscribed to them.  If you want to be able to
post without being inundated by email's from the lists, or are reading
through newsgroups, please subscribe using the 'subscribe-nomail' option,
to the list(s) that you are interested in ...

General Mailing Lists

   * pgsql-admin
    - this list is meant to dicuss issues pertaining to the general
          administration of the PostgreSQL server

   * pgsql-announce
    - This is an announcement list pertaining to PostgreSQL and
          various third party software.

   * pgsql-bugs
    - If you find "non-operating system specific" bug, fill out the
          form typically located at /usr/src/pgsql/doc/bug.template and
          mail it here.
        - If PostgreSQL failed to compile on your computer, report this to

    - If you not only found the problem but solved it and generated a
          patch then also mail it to

   * pgsql-docs
    - The PostgreSQL documentation team lives here.
    - If you come up with SQL examples that are not shown in the
          current man pages or manuals, please let us know here.
    - If you are looking for "secret"  manuals, check here. Old
          manuals that are mostly not relevant or works in progress that
          are not ready for general distribution might be mentione here.
          But please don't ask us. Check the archives for examples.
    - Please note that suggestions regarding the web site should be
          directed to our web master at

   * pgsql-general
    - This is a general discussion area for users.
    - As the word "general" implies ... if you can't find another list
          more appropriate to your questions, please post it here.

   * pgsql-interfaces
    - Discussions dealing with interfaces to PostgreSQL belong here.
    - This includes such things as "how to use libpq", "what is
          pgAdmin?", "can pgAccess do this?"

   * pgsql-mirrors
    - This is an announcement list for mirror sites.
    - If you a mirror of PostgreSQL (ftp or www) or provide mail relay
          for its lists, please make sure you are subscribed to this

   * pgsql-ports
    - This list is for porting related and platform specific
    - If PostgreSQL failed to compile on your computer then fill out
          the form typically located at /usr/src/pgsql/doc/bug.template
          and mail it here.
    - If you get PostgreSQL running on an unsupported platform, tell
          us how you did it here. And before you attempt the port, check
          the archives for this area to see if someone else has already
          done it.

   * pgsql-sql
    - This is a discussion area for users on SQL related matters.
    - Questions like "how can I better write this SQL query?" belong

Development Mailing Lists

   * pgsql-hackers
    - The PostgreSQL developer's team lives here.
    - This list is for the discussion of current development issues,
          problems and bugs and the discussion of proposed new features.
    - If people in the other lists don't know the answer to a question
          and it is likely that only a developer will know the answer, you
          may re-post that question here. YOU MUST TRY ELSEWHERE FIRST!

   * pgsql-hackers-oo
    - Development discussions dealing with extending/improving the
          object oriented nature of PostgreSQL belong here.

   * pgsql-hackers-fmgr
    - Development discussions dealing with the function manager belong

   * pgsql-hackers-smgr
    - Development discussions dealing with the storage manager belong

   * pgsql-hackers-wal
    - Development discussions with the up-n-coming "write ahead
          logs" belong here

   * pgsql-patches
    - Mail patches you created to this area.
    - Explain what the patches do, and which source tree they are
          meant to be applied against.
    - Notices that the patch has been applied are posted here.
    - Discuss any problems that a recent patch caused.

Marc G. Fournier                   ICQ#7615664               IRC Nick: Scrappy
Systems Administrator @
primary:           secondary: scrappy@{freebsd|postgresql}.org