Thread: Error in creating the database

Error in creating the database

Senthil Kumar Narayanasamy
Hi folks,
    I tried to install postgresql V6.4.2 in Irix IRIX6.4 sgi Onyx
machine, I have managed to compile with
lots and lots of warning.

I have the following problem,

    There is no user called postgres in the system all binaries are
installed in my user space
these are the environment variables


the data directory is initially empty there are no files not even
pg_hba.conf as mentioned in the manual

when I try to initialize the database with initdb I get the following
error and dumps core.

Should I have seperate postgres account ? please help



We are initializing the database system with username senthil
This user will own all the files and must also own the server process.

Creating Postgres database system directory /d1/senthil/pgsql/data/base

Creating template database in /d1/senthil/pgsql/data/base/template1
/d1/senthil/pgsql/bin/initdb[326]: 16272 Memory fault(coredump)
initdb: could not create template database
initdb: cleaning up by wiping out /d1/senthil/pgsql/data/base/template1