Thread: Thanks for the help folks. Solution found. php3+pgsql

Thanks for the help folks. Solution found. php3+pgsql

Robert Chalmers
Firstly I'd like to thank those people who offered me so many usefull and
friendly suggestions. I really appreciate your help.

In case anyone else has similar problems......

Here's what seems to have taken place.

Platform. FreeBSD-2.2
I re-configured and recompiled php3 and apache.

    php3 conf;
    ./configure \
        --with-apache=../apache_1.3.3 \
        --with-gd=/usr/local/GD-1.18 \
        --with-pgsql=/usr/local/pgsql \
        --enable-debug \
        --enable-debugger \
        --enable-track-vars \
        --enable-sysvsem \

Use gmake to make it all and install it.

Someone mentioned sysvxxx in passing, someone mentioned tracking so I thought
I'd start with debuggin the php3 end first, so turning on the debuggers was in

    Next to compile Apache;
./configure \
        --prefix=/usr/local/apache \
        --activate-module=src/modules/php3/libphp3.a \
        --enable-module=most \

gmake to compile and install it all and restart it.

pgsql conf;

./configure \
        --prefix=/usr/local/pgsql \
        --with-perl \
        --with-odbc \

gmake and install.

Then following another clue offered by Terry Mackintosh, I restared pgsql with

   So now I had lots of nice coloured error messages to track down. The first
and only one told me that the pg_hba.conf file was either missing or not
configured properly. !!!!  what !!! The one thing I hadn't changed in all the
    I also used Terry's example script. Thanks to jwb19 for the C script as
well. Very useful.
So, I took the distribution example hba, and plunked it into the data
directory... no changes nothing, and up it all popped. !!

So, after much trevail, and lots of friendly help with things to try, it seems
to have boiled down to the usual simple things like slightly changed syntax in
most obvious places. and nothing to do with dns thank goodness.

thanks folks,

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