Thread: [ADMIN] 'C' function (spi?) for datetime UPDATE trigger - HOW?

[ADMIN] 'C' function (spi?) for datetime UPDATE trigger - HOW?

Mateus Cordeiro Inssa

  I'm having problems with triggers that need to change datetime
values. If the trigger returns OK, the datetime field will be saved
correctly, but if I return [ array get NEW ] (trigger in Tcl) the
datetime "gain" 2 hours.
  If I do an "elog NOTICE $NEW(field1)" it prints the correct value,
but if I do an "spi_exec -array ax "select '$NEW(field1)'::datetime",
again, the datetime "gain" 2 hours.
  Any idea ? (Using Postgres 6.3.2 all patches on Linux 2.0.29).

Mateus Cordeiro Inssa
Innova Producoes Digitais
Linux User: 76186
ICQ (KXicq): 15243895

Wed Aug 19 13:08:43 EST 1998