Thread: pgAdmin 3 crashes

pgAdmin 3 crashes

"Periasamy, Gomathi (GE Healthcare)"
I have been using pgAdminIII for about five months now, earlier in the Windows environment and now in Mac, primarily to
accessGreenplum database.

Few months ago, our database timeout policy has changed.  It expires within 10 minutes of inactivity.  When there is a
timeout,the pgAdmin crashes, with no ability to disconnect / reconnect.  I thought it was unique to Windows client, I
amobserving the same behavior in Mac.  You lose all open queries / activity without an option to save or reconnect to
continuethe work.

It would be nice if the crash can be avoided and able to reconnect.  There is not much we can do about the timeout
unfortuately. It is very hard to carry on a development activity when you have interruptions.  I hope this can be fixed
inthe next release and cannot wait for the final release.
