Thread: Incorrect version for pgadmin3 on desktop invocation (KDE)

Incorrect version for pgadmin3 on desktop invocation (KDE)

Henry Katz
Hi,<br /><br /><tt>#</tt><tt> pgadmin3 --version</tt><tt><br /></tt><tt>pgAdmin III 1.20.0</tt><tt><br /></tt><tt>#
</tt><tt>cat/etc/</tt><tt><br /></tt><tt>CentOS release 6.6 (Final)</tt><tt><br /></tt><tt>Kernel \r on an
\m</tt><tt><br/></tt><tt># </tt><tt>rpm -qi
</tt><tt><br/></tt><tt>Name        : pgadmin3_94                  Relocations: (not
relocatable)                                                                                      </tt><tt><br
/></tt><tt>Version    : 1.20.0                            Vendor:
(none)                                                                                                 </tt><tt><br
/></tt><tt>Release    : 2.rhel6                       Build Date: Mon 05 Jan 2015 10:25:22 AM
EST                                                                        </tt><tt><br /></tt><tt>Install Date: Tue 17
Mar2015 01:13:57 PM EDT      Build Host:
koji-sl6-x86-64-pg94                                                                            </tt><tt><br
/></tt><tt>Group      : Applications/Databases        Source RPM:
pgadmin3_94-1.20.0-2.rhel6.src.rpm                                                                     </tt><tt><br
/></tt><tt>Size       : 17961646                         License:
BSD                                                                                                    </tt><tt><br
/></tt><tt>Signature  : DSA/SHA1, Mon 05 Jan 2015 10:25:32 AM EST, Key ID
1f16d2e1442df0f8                                                                               </tt><tt><br
/></tt><tt>URL        : <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext"
href=""></a></tt><br/><tt># </tt><tt>rpm -ql pgadmin3_94 | grep
appli</tt><tt><br/></tt><tt>/usr/share/applications/fedora-pgadmin3_94.desktop</tt><br /><tt># # here's where it gets
funny</tt><tt>3 != 4<br /></tt><tt>cat /usr/share/applications/fedora-pgadmin3_94.desktop</tt><tt><br /></tt><tt><br
/></tt><tt>[DesktopEntry]</tt><tt><br /></tt><tt>Encoding=UTF-8</tt><tt><br /></tt><tt>Name=pgAdmin III</tt><tt><br
/></tt><tt>DocPath=/usr/pgsql-9.3/share/pgadmin3/docs/en_US/</tt><tt><br/></tt><tt>Comment=PostgreSQL Tools</tt><tt><br
/></tt><tt>X-Desktop-File-Install-Version=0.15</tt><br/><br /> Which is annoying as krunner (alt-F2) in KDE under
Centosappears to find the correct application to launch:<br /><br /><img alt=""
src=""/><br /><br /> but in fact botches it because of the bad versions in the
desktopfile above:<br /><br /><img alt="" src="" /><br /><br /> as confirmed by
straceon krunner:<br /><br /> 12117 lstat("/usr/share/applications/fedora-pgadmin3_94.desktop", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644,
st_size=319,...}) = 0<br /><br /> but it does work if you correct the desktop file above.<br /><br /> Please fix.<br
/><br/> Thanks,<br /> Henry<br /><br /><br /><div class="moz-signature">-- <br /><div class="moz-signature"><b><br
/><tableborder="0" columns="2"><tbody><tr><td><a href=""><img alt="" border="0"
height="33"src="" width="44" /></a></td><td><a
href=""><imgalt="" border="0" height="33"
src=""width="44" /></a></td></tr></tbody></table></b></div></div>